Pre show How to paint Fog - drawing for Love lone Girl with heart balloon
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This is the facebook Pre-show for tonights full video lesson. Join me to work on Techniques like fog, practice mixing colors , putting in the background and Drawing the Girl .

We cover ways and tools to create the Fog effect 

We have a simple grid and I show you how to draw her in 

The rest of the resources are on the video page here. Click link below for everything else you may be looking for

lonely girl grid .jpg

Part 2 

02/08/21 12:30:37PM @ileneparkman:
It’s usually under the more when you pull up the videos. Also check out the traceable page.
02/08/21 12:29:18PM @ileneparkman:
I loooooved the pre show! Now I’m ready for Part 2!,, thank you guys
Papa Painter
02/02/21 10:33:10AM @papa-painter:
Hi Where do I get the grid or the photo to make the grid? Thank you,,,,Love you guys!
