• BigArtQuest: Campaign: About Face!


    Welcome to BAQ: Campaign - About Face!


    In This campaign you will learn:

    The About Face Campaign is an Art Journey into how human faces are created and the ways we use them to tell our stories. We will explore the diversity, age, emotions, style, methods, and the mediums needed to learn more skills to create better portraits and faces. Each week we will explore methods and features to build confidence in being able to express the human face with ease.

    BAQ:ABOUT FACE(tm)  begins with the "BELIEVE FACE" to help you believe YOU can draw and paint faces. We will finish up when we "GET REAL" with more realistic methods of drawing where we observe, draw, and paint what we see.

    It is my strong belief that all of you would have achieved the Believe Face on your own if you'd had just been allowed to explore your creativity naturally.

     YOU can FACE this!