

Member Since September 13, 2020
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Settling in

user image 2020-09-19
By: Garysgirl
Posted in: 2
Settling in

Hi y'all. Im Jen, purple haired combat boot and camo skirt wearing texan from oak cliff. Im a wife, a mom to 3 adult offspring and the Granny to a princess. Im survivor of more abusive relationships than you want to know. From the time i was a small child, i loved to make crafts. My grandmother and her mom were always making something to sell at the craft fairs and i guess it rubbed off on me.ย 

Painting on canvas is new for me. However Ive painted the 4.6 plaid wooden frames for years. I have about 30 all throughout my house. Mostly they showcase the princess' life.ย 

Besides painting, i enjoy living in my tiny Texas town with my husband and the dog where we spend every night on our honeymoon.

My goal is to earn an income from the things i create. I know i have enough talent, and i can figure out everything else along the wayย 

