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Made It Con 2018
Over 600 free painting lessons for beginners. The Art Sherpa guides you through Everything you need to know about acrylic painting to start making art you will be proud of today. If you have ever wanted to know how to paint with Acrylics you can find it here. YOU can start making art at home today. It like a Painting Party in your own house. Get your paint , get your brushes lets get started!
ATC club
The ART Sherpa Official ATC Club.
The Big Art Quest
Message from The Sherpa!
Hi, I am the Art Sherpa and I teach Acrylic Painting tutorials to beginners Step by Step. I want to welcome you to the beginning of your Art journey.
Enjoy beautiful Acrylic painting lessons online. You can join a Live streaming paint party or enjoy one of over 600 art lesson video's
Hey Sherpettes welcome back check out our painting theme collections
Every Thing that is UNDERLINED is a link
Join us for LIVE Acrylic Paintings videos Fully Explained Step by step.
The Sherpa Schedule
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LaBS is now OPEN!
Welcome to LaBS ( L icensing and B usiness S upport)
LaBS is your opportunity to Officially License the extensive Art Sherpa Acrylic painting for beginners a Library of fun, educational, and professional Video Art Lessons for your business.
There’s a LaBS program designed for the occasional Painting Party business just starting up, for multiple locations, and wherever business finds you in between.
Exclusive Acrylic Painting Lessons, Supplier Resources, Teacher's Tips, and your opportunity to create your own Paint Party Business with The Art Sherpa LaBS.
Click Here for more information
Toll Free Support -1 (833) 724-6888