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Learn how to paint a step by step free video online Acrylic painting art class
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This list is a suggestion and is by no means an obstacle to participating in the program. As always get the materials that you can and other than that use what you have.
PLEASE note there are many other places to buy these materials and I support you shopping and finding your best deal.
My Paint is Sennelier Acrylique Heavy Body paint .
You may and should use what you have
***Cadmium Yellow Medium
***Cadmium Red medium
***Phthalo Green Blue shade
***Phthalo Blue Green shade
***Dioxazine Purple
***Ultramarine blue
***Quinacridone Magenta (fuschia)
***Titanium white
***Mars black: PBk 11
*Naples Yellow light ( can be called Titanate Yellow)
Burnt Sienna
Visit our the Art Sherpa Store Locator to find other resellers near you or online!
The Art Sherpa®
4010 Series Cats Tongue Long Handle #8 - http://bit.ly/MichaelsArtSherpaCatsTongue
4000 Series Round Long Handle #4 http://bit.ly/MichealsArtSherpaRound
AS-4112 5 Piece “Painting and Palette Knife” Set http://bit.ly/ArtSherpaPaletteknives
2100 Cambridge™ #8 Bright - http://bit.ly/CambridgeBrushBrushGuys
2502 Ruby Satin Bright #8 - http://bit.ly/RubySatinBrushGuys
#1 Monogram Liner - http://bit.ly/RubySatinBrushGuys
Dritz 3095 Chalk Cartridge Set : https://amzn.to/31IoUtF
T Square Ruler - https://amzn.to/38hjOWX
Acrylic April is a 30-day painting program. If you would like to participate or learn more about Acrylic April visit our Q&A page HERE
How to Trace Watch this video
Step by Step
NEVER painted before? Watch this video first! How to start painting with Acrylics What YOU need to know to begin🎨
Need to Resize the Tracable ?
Resources Rasterbator - to resize trace-abale
Need a different Grid?
Art Tutor -Gridding tool
Artwork and video is the sole property of The Art Sherpa™ and intended for the students personal education and Enjoyment. For questions regarding using any Art Sherpa painting in a commercial setting labs@theartsherpa.com for all other questions support@theartsherpa.com Read our full disclosure here that covers partnerships and affiliate links http://bit.ly/affiliatedisclosureTAS
Used a 12x12 paver, golden paints , a deer foot stippler and liner brush to paint this tutorial