WHAT WILL HAPPEN ??  Mystery Acrylic Painting  Step by step Live stream
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Step By Step

Fan pick Live Mystery painting community Directed Step by step in acrylic. The art fam was given a poll of options and I will paint your suggestions live and unrehearsed. Epic Fail or Epic win ... could go either way Vote here https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheArtSherpa/


R esources and more info can be found here: www.theartsherpa.com #TheArtSherpa #StepbyStepPainting #mystery Join our facebook group and share your art with us - Below are a list of RECOMMENDED MATERIALS.

The Art Sherpa is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites and youtubers to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to www.amazon.com PLEASE note there are many other places to buy these materials and I support you shopping and finding your best deal.

My Paint is Sennelier’s Acrylique Heavy Body paint.

You may and should use what you have https://www.savoirfaire.com/manufacturers/sennelier-2/

***Cadmium Yellow Medium

***Cadmium Red medium 

 ***Phthalo Green Blue shade

***Phthalo Blue Green shade 

***Dioxazine Purple

***Ultramarine blue

***Quinacridone Magenta (fuscia)

***Titanium white

***Mars black

*Naples Yellow light 

BRUSHES Visit our the Art Sherpa Store Locator to find other resellers near you or online! There are many https://www.silverbrush.com/where-to-buy.html

The Art Sherpa® 4010 Series

Cats Tongue Long Handle #8 - http://bit.ly/MichaelsArtSherpaCatsTongue

4000 Series Round Long Handle #4 http://bit.ly/MichealsArtSherpaRound

AS-4112 5 Piece “Painting and Palette Knife” Set http://bit.ly/ArtSherpaPaletteknives 2100 Cambridge™

#8 Bright - http://bit.ly/CambridgeBrushBrushGuys 2502

Ruby Satin Bright #8 -http://bit.ly/RubySatinBrushGuys

#1 Monogram Liner -http://bit.ly/RubySatinBrushGuys

Canvas size TBD probably a 9 x 12 Dritz 3095 Chalk Cartridge Set : https://amzn.to/31IoUtF T

Square Ruler - https://amzn.to/38hjOWX 11x14 27.94 cm (11") x 35.56 (14") 9x12 23 cm (9”)x30cm (12”)

DISCOUNT CODES that may help you Canada and World Wide shipping https://bit.ly/ArtSherpaKingsFramingandArtGallery

5% off Discount with code - ILUDUOKBUNWE

Worldwide The Brush Guys: http://bit.ly/BrushGuysArtSherpa Discount using Code THEARTSHERPA


Michales : https://www.michaels.com/artsherpa check daily coupons .

Up to 40% off in the US #4 Round Brush http://bit.ly/MichealsArtSherpaRound #4 #8 Cats Tongues http://bit.ly/MichaelsArtSherpaCatsTongue Fan brush http://bit.ly/MichaelsArtsherpaFan Details Brushes http://bit.ly/MichealsArtsherpaDetailBrushes Canvas - http://bit.ly/ArtistloftCanvas http://bit.ly/ArtistloftCanvas9x12

Artwork and video is the sole property of The Art Sherpa™ and intended for the students personal education and Enjoyment. For questions regarding using any Art Sherpa painting in a commercial setting labs@theartsherpa.com for all other questions support@theartsherpa.com Read our full disclosure here that covers partnerships and affiliate links http://bit.ly/affiliatedisclosureTAS

07/21/20 03:04:45AM @dianelynn:
I've been wanting to paint this one since Cinnamon did it. I thoroughly enjoyed sketching the books, and painting this one. I kind of got carried away with the florescent paints...
