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Sponsored by VITA for HOME LIVE Friday the 13th Carve a Long. Come join us to create an Artful Pumpkin carve with me Party. How to Carve a pumpkin Eating another pumpkin. Pumpkin Carving Kit - Pro Level Stainless Steel Pumpkin Carving Kit Tools Set - Includes Pumpkin Scooper, Pumpkin Carving Knife Saw and Etching Tool Amazon affilate link : http://amzn.to/2i1kpYg You can use Coupon Code: VITACKIT for 15% Website Project Adventure Page: https://theartsherpa.com/tas171013.01 Materials Vita for Home Pumpkin Carving set Medium Pumpkin Little pumpkin Assorted Acrylic paint Bowls wipes and paper towels Bleach Solution in a Sprayer LED light *********************************************************************** ENTER for your chance to Win a Vita for Home Pro Level Stainless Steel Tool Kit. http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/999165943/?
Must be 18 and live in the contiguous United States Contest dates are Oct 13th 11 am CST until Monday the 16th ll am CST. Winners will have 72 hours to respond to the email. If they fail to do so a new winner will be chosen, and contacted via email. Again Youtube is not in ANYWAY associated with this contest . Here is a link to the community guidelines of youtube https://www.youtube.com/yt/policyandsafety/communityguidelines.html 6. Privacy: All entrants acknowledge that if they are chosen as a winner, certain of their personally identifying information may be disclosed to third parties at least as required by law, including, without limitation, on a winner's list. All personal information submitted as part of the Sweepstakes may be shared by and between the Promotion Entities, and each of the Promotion Entities will use such information in accordance with their respective independent online privacy policies. https://theartsherpa.com/page/16/privacy
#1 Look for a pumpkin with a stem that is thick with a little color #2 Feel all around your pumpkin for Soft spots #3 Wash and dry your pumpkin #4 Have your work space and all your tools READY before you start #5 Wet wipes and paper towels are your friend when you carve with kids. Trash cans and empty bowls nearby. This is a Sensory Experience to be ready for the mess. #6 Use Dry erase markers to draw your face Design first You can use transfer paper to trace on a pumpkin face if drawing is not your skill- sharpies are harder to get off and pumkin clean up is a GREAT kid job #7 Pumpkin guts are slimey oooey gooey fun that you can get creative with. Either save seeds for cooking or my favorite SENSORY SLIME- Kids love removing GUTS #8 Use good tools. Carving is fun and I love carving sets over the knife and spoon method BUT the rickety ones that break are just packages of frustration. Get a Great Tool Set that you can count on. #9 Spray the inside and outside of your pumpkin with bleach and water to prevent mold and drying out. Dry #10 Acrylic paint and Embellishments can make a ho hum carve become a WOW project. Adding paint and glitter gives kids even more to do. Kids LOVE to know they had a hand in a project. #11 Rub petroleum jelly on the carved elements to slow mold and dry out #12 LED candles to light up #13 Take a picture EVERYDAY of your pumpkin as it rots to create a hysterical slideshow you can share with friends.