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The Big art Quest Site www.theartsherpa.com PEARS by Ruth Archer : https://pmp-art.com/ruth/gallery/119896/a-nice-pair to see the photo Log into PAINT MY PHOTO : PLEASE thank Ruth for sharing such a wonderful photo we can use Stephanie's instruct-able for a Folder is in the ICARD!!! Great art quest binder
Close Captioned By Light Keeper Kristen K. Thank you
The #BigArtQuest is always available to start and stop at any time, you don't have to do them in order! And you only have to do the ones you want to. Do not feel obligated to buy any products that you don't want to personally try. There are no grades, this is not a pass/fail class, this is a Personal Art Journey. See you at the easel. ******************************************************************** *** Special Supplies For This Quest *** 9x12 acrylic paper pad - 246 lb This is paper but has a water barrier and canvas texture Canson and Strathmore are good sources 9x12 or 11x14 water color paper pad 140lb 3 ring binder to fit your paper Hole punch
The Big Art Quest is a LIVE year long weekly course covering the concepts and tools needed for the creation of art. It is a flexible personal journey that the quester may customize to fit their needs. The goal of the Quest is to develop fully self aware artists. This will be both a internal and material world journey.
The Big Book A 3 ring binder A Notepad of canvas paper A Notepad of Watercolor paper Hole punch
First Quest Paint the pear photograph by Ruth Archer from paint my photo Write a sentence or two of who you feel you are as an artist We will be doing this again at the end of 2016 Pears There was this pair, A pair of pears, Then there was despair, About painting these pears, We weren't aware, How to approach the pears, And not very much, From which to compare. But since there's this quest, to learn more and share, We did our first step, Aware, we're in great care! BY Angela Green
Guidelines for our Quest
Never judge the journey by your first steps. Be gentle with yourself. Trust your instincts and listen to the wisdom from within There is no right or wrong, no pass or fail, there is only art This is your journey and your book put the pages in it that speak to you Be brave and Authentic in your creativity
The Pears Paint these pears from this photo and write on the back your statement of yourself as an artist We will repaint these pears at the end of the year ( or journey ) 2016 Write a statement of who your are and an artist
Have fun Live with The Art Sherpa during this BEGINNER HOW TO PAINT art lesson in acrylic art tutorial. This is an easy, fun, social art lesson for canvas. We talk about art and other fun subjects. With help and guidance, anyone can paint. You can paint!
Want to see something? Just comment! Tell me what you'd like to paint, or what you want to know about art. This is YOUR art journey. Open your heart and access your art.
Acrylics are a fun and enjoyable painting medium. I prefer 'Creative Mark' brushes, and I use Liquitex heavy body acrylic paint, Matisse Derivan, and golden colors.
I love teaching people to paint in a supportive environment. Everyone deserves to have art in their lives and feel the joy that art can bring! Follow along and share your art journey with me! I look forward to hearing from you.
TWITTER: @artsherpa
PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/cinnamoncooney *** LOTS of pinnables!
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/hartparty
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/theartsherpa
ETSY: https://www.etsy.com/shop/hARTpARTY to purchase original art by Cinnamon Cooney!
HEART MAIL: The Art Sherpa Ste 200 Box #204 9490 fm 1960 Bypass Rd W Humble, Texas 77338
Do I still have to register? I'm watching the first one now.. Will paint it after work
Is there still a place to register for this quest?
I was so intimated by this, got it done and love my pears.