GIVE AWAY Technique Tuesday Tuneup - How to tell of a paint is good or not!

GIVE AWAY Technique Tuesday tuneup. We talk about how to tell if a paint is good or not. What I Look for and also give a set of Artist Loft Level 3 paint away. Watch the review video on Youtube  and here is how you enter the giveaway Go to the website…/artist-loft-…  

Giveaway Rules are

You must be 18 to enter and in a location we can ship to  

You must live on planet earth where we can ship up to a 50$ in shipping. Other taxes and fees can apply and we are not responsible for those ...Canada LOL. But really that is a thing

#1 Comment below tell us what you thought and upload a picture of one of the three paintings we taught in the lesson- it does not have to be in those colors or even acrylic. It could be a doodle we are testing a feature.

#3 Entry is from the July 17th until July 23rd 10 am CST. We will randomly pick a winner and announce it on facebook for our next Technique Tuesday

#4 Winner will be chosen at random and contacted through the website and they have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen until qualified winner is found
