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How to paint Dean's trademark black 1967 Chevrolet Impala Live streaming Beginner Acrylic painting step by step lesson for new artists Fully guided YOU CAN PAINT THIS with The Art Sherpa. This is Supernatural Fan art. Sam and Dean at Dusk leaning on Baby with Enochian Script
#Sherpaween #StepbyStepPainting #3hoot
Join our facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheArtSherpa/
Brush Store Locator - http://bit.ly/WhereToBuyTheBrushes
Below are a list of Recommended materials. This includes Amazon Affiliate program, and you support The Art Sherpa when using them. These are linked here to make thing easy and convenient for you. full disclosure here http://bit.ly/affiliatedisclosureTAS
*** Acrylic Paint Colors ***
***Yellow Ocher:PY 43 -https://amzn.to/2WXzDkG
***Burnt Sienna: PBr 7 https://amzn.to/2J3OPmi
***Cadmium Yellow Medium : PY 35 https://amzn.to/2J6nm3L
***Phthalo Green Blue shade : PG 7 - https://amzn.to/2FtciN7
***Phthalo Blue Green shade :PB 15:3 https://amzn.to/2Xu7DV9
***Dioxazine Purple: PV 23 - https://amzn.to/2Xu7FfJ
***Quinacridone Magenta (fuscia) : PR 122 https://amzn.to/2X1jBq2
***Titanium white: PW 6 https://amzn.to/2WZw91d
***Mars black: PBk 11 https://amzn.to/2XxUqus
Fluid white paint Fluid black paint for fine lines
27.94 cm (11") x 35.56 (14")
DISCOUNT CODES that may help you
Kings Art and Frame: 5% Discount with code -ILUDUOKBUNWE
The Brush Guys: http://bit.ly/BrushGuysArtSherpa Discount using Code THEARTSHERPA
Michales : https://www.michaels.com/artsherpa check daily coupons . Up to 40% off in the US
More Materials These are used often in my lessons but may not be use here
Art Sherpa Brush Spa Soap- http://bit.ly/ArtSherpaBrushSpaSoapTub
Retarders and Slow Dri mediums
Golden Acrylic Glazing Liquid Gloss-
Golden Acrylic Retarder - 4 Oz Bottle-
Grumbacher Acrylic Retarder for Acrylic Colors and Mediums, 5.07 oz. Tube
Craft sponges Sea sponges - https://amzn.to/2LFWYkC
New Wave Paper peel Paint Pallet : https://amzn.to/2ROk6xw
T Square Ruler - https://amzn.to/2Jpic1c
Saral Paper: http://amzn.to/2zBrLbN
Chalk: https://amzn.to/2FhPVa9
Sharpener : https://amzn.to/2Fhj19M
Artist Tape : https://amzn.to/2qZTywt
Tracing Paper 9x12 : https://amzn.to/2r0V55h
Art storage I LOVE
Art bin : https://amzn.to/2NDohsw
Best European Easel *OS3
Jack Richeson La Vara Easel, Table Top
Books :
Painting in Acrylics: The Indispensable Guide: https://amzn.to/2LQ64c3
How to Mix Skin color - https://amzn.to/2FeEv7j
Victoria Finlay History of Color: https://amzn.to/2Jn0Yl1
Driver picks the Music. Shotgun Shuts his Cakehole - Dean Winchester Supernatural Season 1 Episode 1
Enochian alphabet for Supernatural Quotes in the painting Quick Guide
Need to Resize ? Rapid Resizer https://www.rapidresizer.com/
AND Need to grid a different size?http://www.griddrawingtool.com/
Help Us keep making great videos like this- We do fun extras you won’t see on youtube
How to Start With Acrylic
How to use a Traceable
How to Splatter
Split Primary Color Wheel 101 FOR EVERYONE
How to Blend
The Art Sherpa
9490 fm 1960 RD W
suite 200
Humble TX 77338
Artwork is the property of Cinnamon Cooney and The Art Sherpa LLC. and is intended for the personal enjoyment of the student.
You may sell, donate or Gift a painting you do following one of my lessons in a private setting.
If a paintings you make of my original design are offered for sale in a retail setting of any kind ( this includes online) , please attribute ‘Original design by Cinnamon Cooney, The Art Sherpa. www.theartsherpa.com’
Please, create no prints or mechanical reproductions of your paintings of my original design. This is a violation of my copyright and use policy.
Fan Art is always intended for education and personal enjoyment.
If you’d like to share our tutorial/original painting design with a church group, skilled nursing facility or other nonprofit interest, do get in touch with Labs we can help you
For commercial use or licensing in the painting party, social painting, or other venues; please visit our business website:
Color Exchange
- Cad Red Medium pure pigemnt or hue can be exchanged for : Pyrolle Red, Primary red -or vermillion- Naphthol Red Medium -
- Quinacridone magenta Can be exchanged For: Quinacridone Rose , Crimson, deep magenta
- Phtahlo Blue Can be exchanged For: Windsor Blue , Cyan Blue
- Prussian Can be exchanged For: Anthraquinone Blue, Indigo Blue
- Cadmium Yellow Can be exchanged For: Cadmium yellow Hue , Hansa Yellow Medium ,
- Phthalo Green Can be exchanged For: Cobalt Green , Viridian Green Hue
- Burnt Sienna Can be exchanged For: Burnt Umber
- Mars black Can be exchanged For: Carbon Black
- Dioxazine purple Can be exchanged For: Ultramarine Violet
- Titanium white Can be exchanged For: Primary white
- Zinc White Can be exchanged For : Mixing white or tinting white
- Indian Yellow Can be exchanged For: Dairylide Yellow - Cadmium Yellow Deep
- Alizerine Crimson Can be exchanged For - Quiacridone Crimson , Napthol Crimson, Crimson
- Cadmium Red Light - Cadmium Orange - Pyrrole orange
( You can use Cad red medium with a bit of yellow in a pinch)
When shopping for a used car, knowing the vehicle’s history is crucial. One tip is to locate the VIN and run a check before making any decisions. If you’re not sure where to find the VIN, FaxVin’s VIN https://www.faxvin.com/vin-check/locator locator can help. It’s a great tool to pinpoint where the VIN is on the car, and once you have it, you can easily check for accident history, title issues, or other important details. Always better to be informed before buying!