Welcome to LaBS
Welcome to The Art Sherpa License and Business Support (LaBS) program! We are happy you decided to join us. We are here to help you get started and succeed in your new business, or help expand and grow your existing business. Our website is here to give you the tools you need to succeed and our Labs manual v 2.0 provides your knowledge base to begin operating your own small business. You own it.
To start your journey with TAS, click on the account settings that you find when you hover over your profile picture. You will see your profile name in the top right corner of the page. Click on your profile name and that should open your LaBS dashboard. This gives you access to the following
- The LabS videos tab will take you to the video selections for LabS members
- The LaBS manual link takes you to your manual which was developed by John and Cinnamon to help you get started.
- The Labs Logo Button takes you to the Logo which you can proudly display in your studio and/or at your home based parties. You can print this on your own printer or take it to a commercial printer.
- The calendar (available with some subscriptions) can help you organize your classes and be searchable by customers.
- The Gallery (available with some subscriptions) is a place to post your art work that others can browse.
Once you have investigated your dashboard and navigated throughout the site, we will be available to answer any questions you may have. Send us a ticket at Labs@theartsherpa.com to reach out to our sales and marketing team for a personal phone call. We’re very interested in the unique ideas and goals of our entire LaBS Community.
As LaBS grows, we will be actively developing more resources and tools to address the expanding needs of our members. Be sure to check into our Labs Facebook group which is a great place to meet other LaBS Members, discuss art, industry, and receive guidance. It is called LABS The Art Sherpa Official. Here is the official link to join in. https://www.facebook.com/groups/113341912644798/
Welcome to The Art Sherpa LaBS!!