patricia terry


Member Since September 5, 2023
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patricia terry
@patricia-terry • 4 months ago

Lol. I will take those one star ratings from whoever gave them.  I have been painting for  year and a half and one star gives me a basis to grow from.  :-). I think for a beginner I am off to a pretty good start.  Thank you Art Sherpa for the only lessons I have had.  You have been very helpful. <3

patricia terry
@patricia-terry • 2 years ago

Art Sherpa tutorial #15 for me 😁💓

patricia terry
@patricia-terry • 2 years ago

Thank you for your tutorial on the birch trees with the red birds.  It made a beautiful Christmas card for my son and his family.

patricia terry
@patricia-terry • 2 years ago
I love your lessons, they have really helped improve my painting.  If you read this, I want you to know that I have been telling people to take your lessons.  My aunt has started painting with you now too.  I have only been painting for 7 months and am nowhere near anyplace I could take classes.  Your online instruction was exactly what I needed.  Many of the pictures in my gallery are from before taking your lessons in late August and you can really tell the difference.  Thank you so much!