Naples Yellow HUE WTW is up with that Color
For Acrylic April
I use the same brushes, canvas size and colors every year.
The color that is hard for most people to find is Naples Yellow light sometimes Called Titanate Yellow or Even Nickel Titanate Yellow
That can be frustrating for the new artist. What you may not know is outside of the voluntary ATSM there are no standards in art materials.
So on a tube of paint there are bit of info. Color info , safety info and lightfast info. Reading the tube is important but when you are new its hard.
Nickel Titanium Yellow ( PY 53 ) is opaque and has a low tinting strength. Because it's not overpowering, it can be controlled easily.
Titanate serves as a substitute for lemon yellow which is the traditional cool yellow
Some companies make a hue that is Very close they call Naples yellow light- That is what I am using in my Sennelier paint- Naples Yellow light.
This is the green Bias Yellow
You can Substitute ANY of these Cool (green) Bias Yellows , Pick one -
- Hansa Yellow light
- Cadmium Yellow Light
- Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue
- Lemon Yellow
- Bismuth Vanadate
- Yellow Azo Light
- Benzimidazolone Yellow Light
- Arcylique by Sennelier Called Naples Yellow Light
- Holbein Acrylic Called Naples Yellow
- Abstract acrylic paint by Sennelier Naples yellow light
- Amsterdam Acrylic paint made by Royal Talens
- Old Holland New Masters Classic Acrylic
- Matisse Structure Acrylic - titanate yellow
- (also called Naples Yellow light in this line of paint)
- DALER ROWNEY : CRYLA ACRYLIC PAINT- nickle titanate yellow
- Golden Heavy Body Artist Acrylics- Titanate Yellow
- Pébéo Studio Fine Acrylic Naples Yellow Hue 100 ml
- Cranfield Acrylics- Primrose Yellow is like Py53
- AV Vallejo Acrylic -Titanium Yellow IS like py53
NEED more info about the YELLOW ??
HERE are some more yellow names that may be the color SEE why it gets to be so complicated for teachers to relay what color you are looking for.
PY53 is a strange special color |
PY53 |
Nickel Antimony Titanium Yellow Rutile |
Antimony Nickel Titanium Oxide Yellow; C.I. Pigment Yellow 53; Juane Citron; Lemon Yellow [EP.p | w . wp .]; Lemon Yellow (Nickel Titanate} [ WN . w . w ]; Meteor® Bright Yellow 8320; Naples Yellow (hue) [ LA .a | MA.p ]; Naples yellow Light (hue) [ KA . o ]; Naples Yellow Light (imitation) [ KA . o . p ]; Nickel Antimony Titanate; Nickel Antimony Titanium Yellow Rutile; Nickel Rutile Yellow; Nickel Titanate; Nickel Titanate Yellow [GEN | DR . w | DS .a d . o . w | DV . w | GR . wo | GU.pd | MA . o . o(artis) . p . w | RT . a ]; Nickel Titanium [ OH . a . o . w ]; Nickel Titanium Oxide; Nickel Titanium Yellow [KP.p | OH . a . o . w | SI.p | WN d ]; Nickel Yellow [GEN | BX.o | CAS.k | KA . o . p | SE . o . p | WL . o . p ]; Nickle Yellow Titanium [ SCH . p ]; Nickel Yellow Titanium Rutile; Pigment Yellow 53; Praseodym Titanium Yellow; Shepherd Yellow; Sunflower Yellow; Titanate Yellow [ GO . a . af . ag ]; Titanium Nickel Yellow [ MA .o(artis). p ]; Titanium Yellow [ GO .a | RGH.o.p | SCH . w ]; Vasari Yellow [ MA.o(Ren) ]; Vesuvius Yellow [ MA.o(Med) ]; |