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Member Since March 10, 2016
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Watercolor Wednesday

Watercolor Wednesday

Thursday August 27 2020, 1:00 AM
@ The Art Sherpa Fan Page, Facebook
Attendees:  @@annech@Arkansasotr@Karen5862@Lisbeth@the nanny@grannyelaine@Clara.Jones@@@booksluv@@Glenda C

Watercolor Wednesday You can paint this beautiful flower 

More information to follow

Aug 26th 7pm EST live streaming art class. This is a Free full video where you Learn how to paint a Iris with Metallic watercolors on Black paper
This will be a very mysterious and mystical painting.
I will use Fabriano Black 8x8
paul rubens glitter watercolor

If you have wondered if these are worth the time and money we are going to find out.
You can paint along using regular colors and white paper if you like. ALL are welcome

Any level of student is welcome. No drawing skill required. Any age of student from anywhere in the world is welcome. I recommend Materials but you can use what you have.
( YOU CAN USE ANY WATERCOLOR YOU HAVE) yes even crayola. If you need them we do have art materials in the store.

Gellyroll pen white

#8 Round watercolor brushes
Silver Black Velvet #8
Watercolor Brush

Template from   website or The Art Sherpa Official Facebook page
Thank you so much for your interest in Watercolor Wednesday it is a FREE Weekly Live video Class. It airs at 7 -pm Eastern Standard Time. Check you time from the world clock here -   - The class can be viewed During the Live stream from facebook here -   - Or replayed at the best time for you to watch from here -
- or here -   -.

You can view this LIVE stream for free. You can paint along for FREE.Traceables here :
Past live streams are here
The only links you should use are these as there are some fake ones that come up. AT no point will the classes cost any money. No subscription or off site viewing. This is always Free and on Facebook or my free website

flower traceable.jpg

08/26/20 10:17:40AM @cynthiarussell:
The support here is lacking.. they keep answering with blank emails.. thanks..
08/28/20 09:47:07AM @colleenmarie56:
Hi Cynthia. I am so sorry we are having trouble getting our communications through to you. We understand how frustrating that can be. But we are answering your help tickets. We aren't sure why you aren't seeing them. But we will be sending a ticket to see why our system seems to be mailing out auto responses to your email address. We stopped that feature awhile back as it was confusing to many people, so we are checking into why you may be getting those. If we can't stop them, as I said above, we will try to reword them so they are more clear that they are just automatic responses the system sends out to let you know that we got your email and don't need a response. Because we always answer your questions here on your actual help ticket/email. Here is what i wrote above again in answer to your questions.

Here is the link to the traceable ~~
(you may have to copy and paste this link into your brower)

Material list
Black Watercolor paper
She will be using Paul Reuben's glitter paints, but you can use any colors you have or choose to use.

Gellyroll pen white (or any white or silver gelly roll pen)
#8 Round watercolor brushes (or any watercolor brushes you have)
Silver Black Velvet #8
Watercolor Brush

Now, let me try and help you with site navigation. If you go to the home page of the website,, at the top of the page, click on the video tab, or if you are looking for a traceable, click on the traceable link/ box . Then use the search function box to find the video or traceable you are looking for if it isn't on the first page (the most recently loaded traceable will always be on the first page). If you aren't positive of the name of the video, just use some close search terms and it should still pull up. If you go back to your email/help ticket you sent us you will see the screenshots I included of where this things are.

Also, if I may make a suggestion. I think you may benefit from our Facebook group The Art Sherpa Official. In that group, there are many files which will help a new member/student. Plus the help, support and encouragement of thousands of other members. In the file section there are many files which The Sherpa has gathered so so much helpful information. From How to set up a new studio, suggested brushes, paints she uses frequently, color exchanges, a Frequently Asked Questions document with a wealth of information for new students, even a complete and through document on how to navigate the website, complete with with screenshots, and many many others. Here is a link to that group if you would like to join. Again, you may have to copy and paste the link into your browser.

I also see that perhaps you got an auto email about your new account. Which is just that, An automatic email that is sent when you sign up for a new account. It is just to let you know your account was made and is active. There is nothing you need to do. If you are having trouble logging into your account we can help with that also. Just let us know and we can give you your username (which is cynthiarussell), and give you a temporary password to be able to log in.

Hopefully I have answered all your questions here now and provided the help you need to find video's and traceables. (But please know that the material list will always be on the video page from the calendar. It may not be there early, as we post the events on the website calendar early, and then fill in the material list and traceable as it gets closer to the date of the event. They will almost always be there the day before or morning of the event/tutorial. So if you don't see them at first, come back at a later time and they will be filled in). Again, we do not ever want our followers to have issues finding things or communicating with us. We are trying to help. If you have any other questions or issues, please don't hesitate to write us again. Sending wishes for a fabulous day. Spread Joy and Keep on Arting !

The Art Sherpa team

08/26/20 09:53:43AM @cynthiarussell:
I have been on this site looking for the print out to copy & supplies.. your site is too difficult to maneuver.. so sad..
08/27/20 08:04:11PM @colleenmarie56:
hi Cynthia. I am so sorry that we seem to be having issues connecting with you. We do want to help you and we are trying. I am going to try to help you here as our email system seems to not be working for you. We are very sorry about that. We understand that new email systems can be frustrating. But we have been answering your help tickets, so we are just kind of lost as to why you are not seeing our responses. As I said in my responses to your emails, we will look on our end about why you seem to be getting auto emails from us when we thought we had disabled that feature. Or if we can't disable it, to make sure the response is more clear that it is not our response to your help ticket, but just an auto response letting you know we received your ticket (and that auto response doesn't require a response). But lets see if we can also get your questions answered. The traceable you are looking for is attached right here to this video page (see above). You can right click on the image and save it to your computer/device and print it from here. Or, they are also located on the website under the traceable link (from the home page of the website, click on the traceable link/box, it will then take you to the traceables section of the website. Here is a link to the traceable section of the website directly ~~ (You may have to copy and past this into your browser). If the traceable you are looking for isn't on the first page, you can go to the search box and type in the title of the video/traceable you are looking for). Here is a link directly to this particular traceable (you may have to copy and paste it into your browser) "" ~~ I will also copy and paste the color list here for you from the help ticket you submitted that I responded to and gave you there. She will be using Paul Reuben's glitter paints, but you can use any colors you have or choose to use.
Paul Reubens glitter watercolor set (sold on Amazon, Jerry's Artarama, Dick Blicks, and other craft stores)
Black water color paper
Gellyroll pen white
#8 Round watercolor brushes
Silver Black Velvet #8
Watercolor Brush
Again, we are sorry that you don't seem to be seeing our responses on to your emails. I don't see that you are a member of our group on Facebook, The Art Sherpa Official. There you would find lots of help and files on how to navigate the website, files on the paints Sherpa uses most often, color exchanges, a Frequently Asked questions document with a wealth of information that Sherpa has gathered for her followers, links to helpful videos how to set up a new studio, recommended brushes, recommended paint colors, as well as many others helpful document. Even a very throuogh document on how to navigate the website. . Here is a link to that group. i really do believe this supportive, helpful and caring group can help you if you would like to join. Just copy and paste the link into your browser and when you get to the page make sure to answer the questions. We are trying to help as we never want anyone to not be able to get the answers they need or are seeking. if you have any further questions or concerns, we will do our best to answer promptly. We are sending wishes for a fabulous day. Spread Joy and Keep on Arting! The Art Sherpa team.
