The Art Sherpa Community


Member Since March 10, 2016
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Posts: 3


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Less Than Famous | The Art Sherpa

Less Than Famous | The Art Sherpa

@ YouTube
This is my Audition for the Less Than Famous Panel Vidcon 2016. They Posed Several Questions about the Youtube Creator Experience and gave me a Time limit of 4 minutes. I picked a few that spoke to me and answered them in True Art Sherpa Style All of our Hartist can be heard laughing from space as nothing we do is 4 minutes long.
Here were the two questions we answered #1 How do you find community/friends/purpose on YouTube? #2 How do you stick out in a sea of so many creators?

Learn more about Vidcon and opportunities for attendees to be directly involved in VidCon, through contests, panels, and more.

I love teaching people to paint in a supportive environment. Everyone deserves to have art in their lives and feel the joy that art can bring! Follow along and share your art journey with me! I look forward to hearing from you.


TWITTER: @artsherpa

PINTEREST: *** LOTS of pinnables!



ETSY: to purchase original art by Cinnamon Cooney!

The Art Sherpa
Ste 200 Box #204 9490 fm 1960 Bypass Rd W
Humble, Texas 77338
Artwork is the property of Hart Party and The Art Sherpa it is intended for the personal enjoyment of the student and not commercial use. Contact us for commercial use policies.
For-profit businesses in the Painting Party industry may not use our tutorial/original painting design without a licensed or signed-use deal with Hart Party.
If you’d like to share our tutorial/original painting design with a church group, skilled nursing facility or other nonprofit interest, do get in touch. We have ideas, guides and a few fun little extras to make bringing the Art Sherpa to your community one big party. Let’s collaborate!
This artwork is under copyright and is intended for the viewer’s personal enjoyment.
If your paintings of my original design are offered for sale in a retail setting of any kind, please attribute ‘Original design by Hart Party.’
Did you sell a painting of my original design via private sale? Congratulations and big art high fives!
Please, create no prints or mechanical reproductions of your paintings of my original design.
