Timeline Entry
Hi, my name is Carsten am 48 years my BDAy is on 05.12.71, verh. for almost 17 years with my childhood sweetheart with who has been together for almost 30 years. I live in Germany, in Lower Saxony, Braunschweig.The painting is therapy for me, I process my illness, where I have an ileostomy. 3 years ago I started painting acrylics, looking for Art Sherpa on youtube, so I ended up here. I hope to learn something more with Art Sherpa.
f you have questions, you are welcome to do so, I will gladly answer them.
Let us have a nice time together
Best regards and wish you all a nice day
PS: I'm sorry, the text should not be rendered correctly by Google Translator. I'll try to change that
#CleaningQuest is ON today. are you cleaning your studios ??
Hi Cinnamon,
I was inquiry about the 2019 Pinners Conference CA Kit you posted for sale. I am attending the event in March 2019, and have signed up for your class, purchased my kit already, and am hoping to meet you on Thursday, at the VIP Event. So I wanted to know, if the included items were identical??
Happy Holidays, and all the Best in 2019 to you and your family!
Gwen Simmons.
It has been a very long time transitioning from working to retirement in a whole new state. After several months I finally have the acrylics out. Saw this YouTube tutorial by the wonderful Art Sherpa and had a blast just relaxing back into acrylics. Thought I could upload by the picture is too large to do so. Hum? I'll be back with the latest acrylic.
Starting painting just after Christmas last year. Greatly enjoying the experience. Guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.