Timeline Entry
Starting painting just after Christmas last year. Greatly enjoying the experience. Guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.
You shared that you may not be getting updates for the crowd funder. PLEASE email support@theartsherpa.com so we can get a support ticket going and figure out how to make sure you are getting updates. i am so sorry there was any trouble and i know we can get you fixed right up
I am a proud LABs member and own Painting with Marge , based in Fuquay Varina, NC, which is a fully mobile paint party business where you get to paint on canvas using acrylic paints along with your friends!
Everything is provided to host your own paint party at your home, church, workplace, and many public venues.
My childhood healer and guide. This movie always gave me hope when I despaired and light when in the dark..
My Guiding Light much like Star Wars
I am gearing up to rent studio space and launch my business painting. My name will be
The Windows Art Gallery
An Art Sherpa LaBs Studio
I am based in Putnam, CT and have been painting doing small parties in homes, camps and at a local Arts and Crafts store. I have sold at least 8 original paintings this year and people love doing originals and Art Sherpa paintings with me. Labs is the perfect launching point for me. My secondary purpose for my business is to offer support, encouragement and hands on help for other women needing to change careers or move out of unhealthy habits into employment that gains them financial independence. I retired after 38 years as an oncology nurse and wow a change was needed is all I will say. My home area is overrun with other women in severe need of a change. Many of them caught up in addictions or domestic violence. I have already incorporated and made a 501 c 3 for this part of my painting mission. Please add me to your prayers, canvas wishes and good thoughts as I proceed. I am anxiously awaiting the release of the Art Sherpa business tools and website. Not that I am rushing you Cinnamon Cooney and friends. Thank you so much for this valuable LaBs. It means so much to so many and Iplan on using it to bring joy and practical help to as many people as possible while making a great retirement job for myself. #goteamsherpa#
Hi everyone.
Thank you Cinnamon for your fantastic tutorials. I feel very blessed.
My name is Jacqui and I live in UK. I have been on my art journey now for about three or four years.
still learning so much all the time.