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Rage Paul Rubens Metallic Watercolor on Fabriano Black Paper Any skill level is welcome everything will be explained step-by-step so that beginners can enjoy painting with us. Let’s relax and chill out Fully guided YOU CAN PAINT THIS today with The Art Sherpa Videos can be viewed after the live ✍️ no Draw Traceable : https://theartsherpa.com/traceables New to the Class Blog Q and A : https://theartsherpa.com/theartsherpacommunity/blog/275/watercolor-wednesday-and-you Check out my Upcoming Live streams https://theartsherpa.com/calendar Join The Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheArtSherpa
Below are a list of RECOMMENDED MATERIALS. The Art Sherpa is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Brands of watercolor I love Sennelier L'Aquarelle QOR By Golden Daniel Smith M Graham Van Gogh Watercolor Paint Color List 2021
Metallic Watercolor
Paper 8x8 Fabriano Black
Brushes Flat wash or Flat Hake Jazper Stardust Version of Escoda Reserva 1212 #8 Escoda Perla Series 1430 #12 SoftAqua Mop 4
Palettes for paint Porcelain Watercolor Palette
Other Tools and Materials OTHER TOOLS Cretacolor Water-Soluble Graphite Pencils Fluid White Acrylic T Square Ruler Artist Tape Art Sherpa Brush Spa Soap Kits https://theartsherpa.com/store The Pioneer Woman Turning table Grafix WM2 White Mask Liquid Frisket Rubber Cement picker upper Mister Paper Towels
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PLEASE note there are many other places to buy materials and I support you shopping and finding your best deal. Please let me know if a link is broken. support@theartsherpa.com
About The Art Sherpa: Artwork and video is the sole property of The Art Sherpa™ and intended for the students personal education and Enjoyment. For questions regarding using any Art Sherpa painting in a commercial setting contact us labs@theartsherpa.com for all other questions support@theartsherpa.com Read our full disclosure here that covers partnerships and affiliate links http://bit.ly/affiliatedisclosureTAS