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Grumpy and Happy cats EASY Beginner Acrylic Painting STEP BY STEP Course is brought to you by The Art Sherpa 🎨 👩🎤 You can join our Live stream chats daily to connect with other painters just like you. This class is just primary colors and a 9x12 surface
The Ultimate Beginner Acrylic Painting Course 🦉 level 1 . What Every beginner needs to know. This course will take all the guesswork out of being a new acrylic painter. This is the introduction class to a complete series of 17 videos designed to teach new artists of any age how to paint.
This course will guide you step by step through the simplest and most effective way for an absolute beginner to learn how to paint with acrylics successfully. You will have 7 of the most important material, techniques, and studio classes every single beginner needs to know based on my 7 years of teaching beginners just like you online. The 7 VIDEO Perfect Painting Primer is for ALL new Artists. Armed with the skills you need enjoy the 10 first paintings any beginner needs to do. Every class builds skills like blocks to give you a strong art foundation.
MINIBOOKS: ✏️ 📖 Mini books : https://bit.ly/FREEminiBooks
🌎 Webpage - Get the complete course organized together: https://theartsherpa.com/BeginnerAcrylicPaintingCourse
You can Watch The full Course in this order ANY TIME
INTRODUCTION to Beginner Acrylic Painting Course Oct 30 th 1 pm edt
🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨
💛 Primary Yellow
💙 Primary Blue
❤️ Primary Red
☁️ Titanium white:
🖤 Mars black: PBk
10 9x12
Palette for paint
Cups of water
Towels for cleanup
Chalk or Dritz Chalk tool
T Square Ruler
Brushes 🖌🖌
Fan Brush
Round brush
Angle brush ½ “
Bright brush with a brush head 1” in width
If you have any questions please email support@theartsherpa.com
Playlist for videos : https://bit.ly/BeginnerAcrylicPaintingCourse
- What is the course ?
- A complete beginners course in acrylic painting for people who have never painted before
- What you will learn
- Everything first time painters really need to know but did not even know how to ask.
- How to set up your first basic home studio
- What acrylic paint is and how it works
- What you should know about canvas and brushes
- Terms and techniques to begin and succeed at your first paintings
- How to fix mistakes
- How to mix basic colors
- The basic first things beginners need to be able to paint
- You will understand the basic art terms for acrylic painting
- You will complete 10 full paintings and gain enough skills to feel good about painting in general and move on to more complicated ideas
This is part of a complete painting program designed to take you from never having painted before to creating art that you can be proud of. The course is completely free and teaches you the basics so that you will paint with success and confidence from your home based studio, regardless of whether it’s the kitchen table or a fully decked out art studio.
Classes start November 2, 2021, and will take place on both YouTube and Facebooks on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sundays, at 1 pm EDT until November 30, 2021. Every class will be at the easiest beginner level with a focus of helping first time artists. Not only will you learn the beginner basics about acrylic, but it is my goal that by the end of the course, you will have the fundamental set of skills you can build on and, at the same time, unlock your creative potential. Classes will be pre recorded live streams to help us schedule and to allow me to be present in chat during all classes to answer your questions.
The course consists of an introduction and 17 classes which will introduce concepts and skills needed for first time acrylic painters of all ages. Extra resources will be provided from the The Art Sherpa website, www.theartsherpa.com.
Although students must provide their own art materials, I designed the series using the minimal basic art supplies for acrylic painting.
If you have really wanted to begin painting but did now know where to start, this course is perfect for you. Perhaps you have been painting for a while but never really got the opportunity to learn the basics. This is still the course for you.
Beginner Acrylic Painting Course Syllabus
- Oct 30 1:00 PM EDT - INTRODUCTION to Beginner Acrylic Painting Course
- Nov 2 1:00 PM EDT - Setting Up Your Acrylic Art Studio
- Nov 4 1:00 PM EDT - Acrylic Paint, The Basics
- Nov 6 1:00 PM EDT - Acrylic Brushes For Beginners
- Nov 7 1:00 PM EDT - Painting Surfaces For Beginners
- Nov 9 1:00 PM EDT - Introduction to Acrylic Techniques For Beginners
- Nov 11 1:00 PM EDT - Brush Stroke and Core Painting Skills
- Nov 13 1:00 PM EDT - Introduction To Beginners Primary Color Mixing
- Nov 14 1:00 PM EDT - Painting Step By Step EASY
- Nov 15 1:00 PM EDT - Painting Step By Step EASY
- Nov 16 1:00 PM EDT - Painting Step By Step EASY
- Nov 17 1:00 PM EDT - Painting Step By Step EASY
- Nov 18 1:00 PM EDT - Painting Step By Step EASY
- Nov 19 1:00 PM EDT - Painting Step By Step EASY
- Nov 20 1:00 PM EDT - Painting Step By Step EASY
- Nov 21 1:00 PM EDT - Painting Step By Step EASY
- Nov 22 1:00 PM EDT - Painting Step By Step EASY
- Nov 23 1:00 PM EDT - Painting Step By Step EASY
- Nov 27 1:00 PM EDT - “YOU DID IT” Celebration Party
Buyers tip. I am using the Primary Abstract by Sennelier Set of paint - there are other primary sets out their and many painting companies will give you the courtesy of having at least 3 paints they call primaries in their paint line - You can use differently then myself but it will mean there are slight differences in our color mixes. So dont miss the color mixing class!! I have been painting online for a while I know what to do about these challenges.
I am using the Primary Set of Abstract by Sennelier Set of paint |
- Primary Red
- Primary Yellow
- Primary Blue
- Mars Black
- Titanium White
Materials & Tools:
- 10 9” x 12” Surfaces for Painting (I will use canvas)
- Heavy Paper for Printing Worksheets (We may have printed packs for sale.)
- You can do them digitally.
- T- Square Ruler
- Chalk or Dritz Chalk Tool
- Pencil - HB is fine
- Cup for paint water
- Disposable Palette for paint
- Scratch paper or art journal for practice
- Fan Brush
- Round Brush
- Angle Brush ½”
- 1” Bright Brush
How many classes are there?
- 1 into
- 7 Painting Primer Classes
- 10 Paintings
- Celebration Party
Can I rewatch after the Live Premiers?
- Yes you can watch from home any time
How to find the classes?
- On the Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/theartsherpa
- Save the playlist : https://bit.ly/BeginnerAcrylicPaintingCourse
- Class Home page https://theartsherpa.com/BeginnerAcrylicPaintingCourse
- On the video tab : https://theartsherpa.com/videos
- By Month On the Calander : https://theartsherpa.com/calendar
- Facebook Page or events : https://www.facebook.com/TheArtSherpa
- Facebook Watch : http://bit.ly/FacebookWatchArtSherpa
How to find your resources for the course?
- Class Home page https://theartsherpa.com/BeginnerAcrylicPaintingCourse
- On the video tab : https://theartsherpa.com/videos
- On the Traceable Tabs : https://theartsherpa.com/traceables
- ✏️ 📖 Mini books : https://bit.ly/FREEminiBooks
Where Can I share my Art from the Course?
- In the private Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheArtSherpa
- www.theartsherpa.com in the comments under each video https://theartsherpa.com/videos
- Instagram https://www.instagram.com/theartsherpa #theartsherpa
Where Can I ask Questions ?
- During the Live stream in the live chat
- During the Q and AFTER SHOW on Facebook
- You can email support@theartsherpa.com
- In the comments section below the video on youtube
Hello :) Lovely painting you made! If you are on Facebook you might have better luck asking there in the group called The Art Sherpa Official ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheArtSherpa). I am not sure you've seen the news, but unfortunately Cinnamon passed away last December. You can read more about it in her Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheArtSherpa.
My 1st painting as beginner
My 1st painting as beginner
It was fun. Thank you!
I loved doing this one. Did it back in November 2023 when I first started with The Art Sherpa:)
Great tutorial thank you.
I made it for my daughter :)
So far this has been my favorite lesson. I've been trying free hand even though there is a traceable. Not so good with free hand drawing. Thank you for this awesome course
Thank you.:)
This was fun!
My first painting in over a year so thought it was a good idea to go back to basics, really enjoying this course and my cats aren't too bad.
It was soooo easy and extremely fun i loved drawing it i hanged up with all the rest of my paintings of and btw this is the first drawing Totoriel im following from art sherpa
Boy! I had a difficult time posting photos because of file size. So here are 3 smaller photos.
This project is the 1st painting where I mixed my own paint to make the hues for.my painting.
It was fun and simple. I used Amsrerdam paint and my background was darker blue than the Sherpas.
Now, I am hooked!!! So many lessons for me to learn. I want to do my own things but I think it is better to LEARN how to mix paints and to use brushes and techniques from the Sherpa in order to allow my skill, imagination, and creativity to grow while also learning color theory.
This is magical
Cute cute
This was a fun one to do with my teen girls. We had a great time following along.
2 funny cats