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Daisy and Copper Tea Kettle Easy Acrylic Tutorial Step by Step Day 10 #AcrylicApril2022
#AcrylicApril BLOOM How to paint Flowers by The Art Sherpa This is the first Daily Painting course for Beginners who want a real acrylic painting step by step tutorial about how to paint better Flowers. Everything is 100% real time, multi Camera angles and fully explained so it's easy to understand. YOU CAN PAINT THIS !! All Art lessons are brought to you by The Art Sherpa You can join our Live stream chats daily to connect with other painters just like you.
Difficulty meter level in Hoots :
✏️ Mini book: https://theartsherpa.com/theartsherpacommunity/file/458/copper-teapot-and-daisies-acrylic-april-day-10-tas-220410
Other resources : www.theartsherpa.com
Chapters :
00:00 Intro
01:23 Step 1 Colored Ground
05:08 Step 2 Sketch in Image
08:40 Step 3 Diffused Flowers
12:07 Step 4 Diffused Background, Shadows
16:00 Step 5 Darkest Teapot Values
19:09 Step 6 Adding Lighter Values
25:10 Step 7 Shadows and Reflections
34:24 Step 8 Copper Patina
40:43 Step 9 More Daisies
46:53 Step10 Highlight Layer
50:21 Step11 Building More Daisies
1:01:40 Step12 Focal Flowers, Highlights
1:06:01 Step13 Final Details
1:09:12 SIGN
Below are a list of RECOMMENDED MATERIALS.
The Art Sherpa is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
I have curated materials for my classes to be easy to find here
*** Acrylic Paint Colors ***
Cadmium Yellow Medium
❤️ Cadmium Red medium
Ultramarine blue
Burnt Sienna
☁️ Titanium white
Mars black
Not a fan of Amazon ? My Teacher shopping list Dick Blick
Sta-wet palette on show
Dritz chalk tool
T Square Ruler
Golden Glazing Liquid For Blending
Saral Paper
Artist Tape
The Pioneer Woman Turning Table
Brushes -
Brushes: Please use these as a guide of what I am planning to use. These are brushes I use very often. You do not need to have the exact brand of brushes that I use. Brands are D'artigny Raphael brush, Simply Simmons Extra Firm, Princeton Catalyst and Select
Bright MED Hog Bristles long
Filbert MED Synthetic Bristles long
Round SML Hog Bristles long
Round SML Synthetic Bristles long
Angle ¾ “ Synthetic Bristles Short
How to read brush list
Brushes are Defined by Size, Filament, Type, Firmnes, and Handle Length
XS: less than a CM
SML : 1\2 “ to ¼”
MED ½” to 1 “
LRG 1”to 2”
XLRG bigger them 2”
in width or diameter
Brushes are Synthetic, Hair or Hog Bristle
Brushes Long Handle or Short Handle
Brushes are Extra Firm , Firm or Soft
Med Hog Bristle Bright Extra Firm LH
XS Synthetic Monogram Liner Firm SH
You may do like to go back and review:
Acrylic April 2019 - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXUkNk1HRolGPD9oyuDpBR8JsXUUYMDU-
Acrylic April 2020 - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXUkNk1HRolHj3z9B2nFDCI9RGVuGpsH2
Acrylic April 2021
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#TheArtSherpa #AcrylicApril2022 #AcrylicPainting
PLEASE note there are many other places to buy materials and I support you shopping and finding your best deal.
Please let me know if a link is broken. support@theartsherpa.com
About The Art Sherpa:
Artwork and video is the sole property of The Art Sherpa™ and intended for the students personal education and Enjoyment. For questions regarding using any Art Sherpa painting in a commercial setting contact us labs@theartsherpa.com for all other questions support@theartsherpa.com
Read our full disclosure here that covers partnerships and affiliate links http://bit.ly/affiliatedisclosureTAS
Enjoyed doing this. This was a gift and she loved it. How great it is to give friends and family something you actually painted.
Wow! that was intense! Went over the teapot a number of times, and then finally let it be- there is hole where there should have been buds, but I couldn't seem to manage that in the different hues of (Cinnamon's favourite green- Pthalo green and burnt Sienna +/- cad yellow) and so mini daisies are there ... and its calling for just one in that spot. as per happy kitten above, her hand was in the way from the top view- is it possible to edit in from the side camera?
I loved painting this however during the video when Cinnamon was painting all the flowers on the right in the teapot I could not see what she was doing due to the picture of the end result (step) of the teapot being in the way. It was covering up the work she was trying to show us. Can that be moved so we can see what she is painting? Thanks.