EASY How To Draw and Paint Cosmos Flowers  How to paint acrylics beginners: Paint Night at Home
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EASY How To Draw and Paint Cosmos Flowers How to paint acrylics for  beginners: Paint Night at Home Easy Acrylic painting tutorial for beginners. #AcrylicPainting #TheArtSherpa #Painting #PaintNight course for those who want to learn how to paint better. It's all 100% real-time, multi-camera angles, and fully explained.  YOU CAN PAINT THIS !! The Art Sherpa brings you all your art lessons. You can connect with other painters like you through our Live Stream Chats every video.. 

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Drawing practice to get a light line 

First exercise 

First make wiggling lines that are darker and then lighter with your pencil. Add more weight to your pencil and lighten your hand pressure. Try to get the darkest and lightest lines you can until you can rally feel the difference between light and heavy pressure 


Second exercise 

Draw vertical lines over and over Dark to light. Now with your gummy eraser tap and lift your pencil lines until you cant remove the lines easily. All sketching needs to be in the line pressure you can easily remove. You can add shading after your light sketches are in. 

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Steps to Draw the Cosmos 

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Chapters : 

    Below are a list of RECOMMENDED MATERIALS. 

The Art Sherpa is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.   

Here are the materials I have curated for my classes


*** Acrylic Paint Colors ***

Cadmium Yellow Medium  

Lemon Yellow Hansa 

( any yellow you have is ok) 

❤️ Cadmium Red medium

❤️ Quinacridone Magenta 

Ultramarine blue 

Phthalo  Green Blue shade 

  Burnt Sienna   

☁️  Titanium white   

Mars black



Any surface for acrylic paint is ok I will use 

9x12 Fabriano 1264 Mixed Media Pad, 9 x 12, White


Sta-wet palette on show

Dritz chalk tool 

T Square Ruler

Golden Glazing Liquid For Blending

Saral Paper

Artist Tape 

The Pioneer Woman Turning Table 


Brushes - 

Please use these brushes as a guide for what I intend to use. These are brushes I use a lot.  It is not necessary to have the exact brand of brushes that I use. The brands are D'Artigny Raphael brush, Simply Simmons Extra Firm, Princeton Catalyst and Select - When a brush is called a Hog Brush, it means it uses natural Hog Bristles 

Round brush 

Liner brush 

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#TheArtSherpa  #AcrylicPainting 

PLEASE note there are many other places to buy materials and I support you shopping and finding your best deal. 

  Please let me know if a link is broken. support@theartsherpa.com

About The Art Sherpa:

  Artwork and video is the sole property of The Art Sherpa™  and intended for the students personal education and Enjoyment. For questions regarding using any Art Sherpa painting in a commercial setting contact us  labs@theartsherpa.com for all other questions support@theartsherpa.com 

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