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Artist Loft level 3 professional paint real honest Review Its it Pro or No?
I have been asked by my community of students to always keep my eye out for new paint options that may give them a good result. When Artist Loft came out with their new pro line of paint they were very excited for me to look at it. My students love Michaels, and they love a coupon.
Am I going in skeptical? YES I am. The more I learn about pigment, the more I see that some places have it and some don’t. Artist Loft basic paint has not been on my recommended list in the past because the pigment load was low, it faded quickly, and the binding was unreliable. So HOW could this line change my mind? Well, it started with the tube. While staring at the shelving at my local Michaels at this new paint invader, I saw something that shocked me. The new tubes were on point! Let me explain why.
So you can see how this is totally different. The swatch alone makes this a contender. My eyes have many, many color cones and to me one quinacridone magenta shade is not like another. I have preferences and opinions about color. Deep fandom for pigment and this is IT!! The pink is THE pink I believe in.
But, add the ASTM-D labeling I know someone real has looked at this.
So we got a couple of the Artist Loft level 3 professional set , 6 pc sets.
Professional Acrylic Paint Mixing Set By Artist's Loft™
They have:
Titanium white
Yellow Medium Azo
Quinacridone magenta
Phthalo Blue (green shade)
Phthalo Green (blue shade)
Carbon black
I don't love AZO as a color in general and when I saw the set was missing my Cadmium Yellow, I was disappointed...is it poison? Perhaps, but at least it glows like a nuclear reactor from my paintings as yellow should.
( Hey guys just kidding Cad yellow is not that dangerous. Just don't eat or breath it. )
But Yellow is a Problem in Paint
..its the YPP
Azo is generally weak and does not cover darker colors. BUT this Azo was AZZZOME. Seriously, watch the videos. I am trying to be chill about my surprise, but inside my shock face was huge. The Azo is bright, highly pigmented and not prone to making a muddy, disappointing mess. I don't want to say good job too early but geesh, it is really yellow... yellow!
So we purchased two sets and used our handy dandy coupon for the sale.
List price is $49.99 but with the sale we got it for about $20 less.
All for about $32.46, not terrible at all. That is 5.30 a 2 oz tube after the discount
I did a test set of 3 paintings to see what I think.
I think, “This could be a fun video”. I also think “It will be 20 minutes” .. well, so much for that! But it did end up being 3 full paintings in 40 minutes, so not bad.
I am kinda excited about this free acrylic art lesson on its own. Getting to be able to put 3 VERY EASY SIMPLE beginner acrylic paintings into a single lesson with just 6 colors seems like something I may want to do again.
Step by step easy first time acrylic painting on Canvas of a palm tree at sunset. YOU CAN PAINT THIS.
Step by step, easy first time acrylic painting on canvas of a Girl Walking in the Rain, A La Sherpa Girl style . YOU CAN PAINT THIS . Really fun umbrella painting.
Step by step, easy first time acrylic painting on canvas of sweet, easy clover flowers. YOU CAN PAINT THIS.
On Facebook, I do Technique Tuesdays, which is an acrylic technique tune up, and we talk about how you can tell if a paint is good or not. We go into what we will want to look at next and guess what we are doing?
A giveaway!
Giveaway Rules are:
You must be 18 to enter and in a location we can ship to.
You must live on planet earth where we can ship up to $50 in shipping. Other taxes and fees can apply and we are not responsible for those ...Canada LOL. But really, that is a thing!
#1 Comment below and tell us what you thought. Then upload a picture of one of the three paintings we taught in the lesson. It does not have to be in those colors or even acrylic. It could be a doodle, we are testing a feature.
#2 Entry is from July 17th until July 23rd 10 am CST. We will randomly pick a winner and announce it on Facebook for our next Technique Tuesday
#3 Winner will be chosen at random and contacted through the website and they have 48 hours to respond or new winners will be chosen until a qualified winner is found.
Giveaway closed
CONGRATS Tammy Wynn is the Winner of our Artist Loft professional paint giveaway!!
WE had a 9x12 artist loft canvas and made the divides with washi tape. To paint one of the images as a stand alone painting . I would either paint her on acrylic paper 3 1/4 " wide x 8 3/4 " or a 3 x 9 canvas panel pre-made stretched canvas
** Assorted Brushes for Acrylic Painting ** For Brush Care use, cleaning, and for a list of Retailers that carry them, GO TO the links below to find out more about them and where to buy.
The Art Sherpa®
4103S Series Filbert Short Handle
4004 Series Fan Long Handle
4010 Series Cats Tongue Long Handle
2100 Cambridge™
2102 Bright - #10
Have fun Live with The Art Sherpa during this BEGINNER HOW TO PAINT art lesson in acrylic. This is an easy, fun, social art lesson for canvas. We talk about art and other fun subjects. With help and guidance, anyone can paint. You can paint!
Want to see something? Just comment! Tell me what you'd like to paint, or what you want to know about art. This is YOUR art journey. Open your heart and access your art.
HEART MAIL: The Art Sherpa 9490 fm 1960 RD W suite 200 Humble TX 77338
Artwork is the property of Cinnamon Cooney and The Art Sherpa LLC. and is intended for the personal enjoyment of the student. You may sell, donate or Gift a painting you do following one of my lessons in a private setting. If a painting you make of my original design is offered for sale in a retail setting of any kind (this includes online), please attribute ‘Original design by Cinnamon Cooney, The Art Sherpa. www.theartsherpa.com . Please, create no prints or mechanical reproductions of your paintings of my original design. This is a violation of my copyright and use policy.
If you’d like to share our tutorial/original painting design with a church group, skilled nursing facility or other nonprofit interest, do get in touch with LaBS, we can help you.
For commercial use or licensing in the painting party, social painting, or other venues, please visit our business website:
Thank you for everyone for helping us test this system and Giveaway!! LOVED seeing all your paintings and expect to see more of these tripple lessons
CONGRATS Tammy Wynn is the Winner of our Artist Loft professional paint giveaway!! You will love this paint.
Someday I will paint this but for now here is colored pencil on a shrinky dink (pre-shinkied). ;-)
Here is my palm, my pretty palm tree! Thank you Cinnamon! I have actually purchased some of the Artist's Loft Lvl 3 acrylics and I like the two colors I did buy. Thank you for testing these out for us! Good luck everyone!
Thank you, Sherpa and John for the Artist Loft level 3 professional paint giveaway.
This paint looks great. I would love to try Artist Loft Level 3 now, but I will have to wait awhile.
I love your tutorials and painting with you…oh I also love your brushes. I could not afford all of them, but I did get your detail set, cats tongue (which worked great for this painting) and 2 other ones.
Quick doodle at work with a sharpie lol.
John and i want to thank everyone helping is by entering we know its maybe tricky to get the file uploaded but its really helping is Plus I LOVE seeing your art!!
Beautiful love the yellow
STEP 1) Click the 'Attache File' button, and attach your painting or sketch.
STEP 2) Type a Comment about your experience in the box.
STEP 3) Click "Post Your Comment"!