Split Primary Color Wheel 101 Get a handle on COLOR once and for all.
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Want to make your own. Print out our Free Color Wheel PDF.
Warm red to warm yellow, Cool Red to cool yellow, Warm yellow to warm blue , cool yellow to warm blue , Cool red to Warm blue , Warm red to warm Blue
See how if you get a secret primary going that colors get neutral?
Color Math
There are 3 primaries Red Yellow and Blue
The primaries make all the other colors we artists use
There are 3 Secondary colors
They are made by mixing two primaries
The primary and secondary colors are the Hues
When you mix a primary with a secondary color you get a tertiary
The color wheel is divided into cool and warm colors
Warm colors pull forward and cool colors recede in art.
The reason you get poopy purple is pesky THOTS
A split primary wheel has 6 primaries
Warm bias /cool bias red
Warm bias /cool bias blue
Warm bias /cool bias yellow
Compliments are colors that live on opposites side of the color wheel
They are made of one warm color and one cool color
This is the math of color
Good Color Blogs
Jane Blundell
Just Paint
The Color Wheel Artist
Hue Value Chroma
Cool Book you might like
Victoria Finlay History of Color: https://amzn.to/2Jn0Yl1
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HEART MAIL: The Art Sherpa 9490 fm 1960 RD W suite 200 Humble TX 77338
Artwork is the property of Cinnamon Cooney and The Art Sherpa LLC. and is intended for the personal enjoyment of the student. You may sell, donate or Gift a painting you do following one of my lessons in a private setting. If a paintings you make of my original design are offered for sale in a retail setting of any kind ( this includes online) , please attribute ‘Original design by Cinnamon Cooney, The Art Sherpa. www.theartsherpa.com’ Please, create no prints or mechanical reproductions of your paintings of my original design. This is a violation of my copyright and use policy.
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