Jannette LeAnn Knutsen


Member Since March 23, 2016
Love Given: 0
Posts: 6


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Jannette LeAnn Knutsen
@jannette-leann-knutsen9 years ago

this new site is very confusing for me. I used to log on and there were all these lovely pictures, now I cant find anything any help would be appreciated!!  thanks 

stupid worthless idiot
10/31/16 09:19:09AM @stupid-worthless-idiot:


Hi. Each person has their own gallery to put pictures in. It has been mentioned that this is sort of like Facebook, so depending on how they set their account, you may need to be following someone to see their pictures. If you have a question, you can look on the forums to see if it's been answered or not, and if it hasn't you can always post. To get to the forum from a computer, hover your cursor over the community tab. Four options will appear. The third one is forums. Click on that and it will take you to the forum. This link should also take you there.


You should check out the groups, too, to see if there's any you're interested in joining. You really do have to play with this site to get to know it, but I like it better than the last.

Hope this helps you. Sorry if it doesn't.
