nightowlartist (Barbara Ann Z.)


Member Since September 21, 2016
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Posts: 1


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@nightowlartist-barbara-ann-z8 years ago

I can't believe I haven't been here to post pictures in five months, been so busy painting and watching Cinnamon and Ginger and Angela. They all keep me so busy and my grand-babies thats for sure. My husband finally got a job after almost two years without work, what a Godsend for us. It is only a temporary job but its better than no job, its data base work, he is a computer guy so maybe they will keep him longer. Medical bills for me just keep on stacking up, if it isn't one thing its another.

Painting is my healing therapy and everyday I do ART. ART makes me happy. I need more happy in my life. Making new friends online makes me happy too.

Tia Valentine
04/24/17 03:08:58PM @tia:
Keep doing what makes you happy!!! We all need to remember that!😘
