Search Results for "traceables"

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Acrylic April 2021 Link Map and guide to A Story of Water

03/31/21 10:03:28AM, by TheArtSherpa
This is the pinned class schedule in the link guide for Acrylic April. I will update these links as we go....

Watercolor Classes what you need to know

11/20/21 03:12:24PM, by TheArtSherpa
Welcome to the wonderful world of watercolor. I'm so excited that you might be interested in taking up this...


01/27/23 04:39:55PM, by TheArtSherpa
Welcome to the wonderful world of watercolor. I'm so excited that you might be interested in taking up this...
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Big Art Quest #4 Complete

10/25/16 12:42:20PM, by LPearsonArt
I completed the #bigartquest 4 with my take on one of Cinnamon's traceables. It was harder than I thought it would...
Watercolor Wednesday

Watercolor Wednesday

Wednesday August 12 2020, 8:00 PM
@ The Art Sherpa Fan Page, Facebook
Attendees: 3
Watercolor Wednesday

Watercolor Wednesday

Wednesday September 9 2020, 8:00 PM
@ The Art Sherpa Fan Page, Facebook
Attendees: 10
Watercolor Wednesday _ Peach Rose

Watercolor Wednesday _ Peach Rose

Wednesday September 23 2020, 9:15 PM
@ The Art Sherpa Fan Page, Facebook
Attendees: 2


Voting has Ended


What do you think of the FREE BIG ART QUEST ADVENTURE PAGES?

Think of the adventure pages like a page of a text book, they have the instructional video's, the materials list, "homework" or what we call field research, reference photos, traceables and more.

BAQ:AboutFace:Adventure #1



#BigArtQuest is available to start and stop any time, you don't have to do them in order! And you only have to do the ones you want. Don't feel obligated to buy anything that you don't want to try.