Easy Red boat  acrylic painting tutorial for beginners step by step
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Red boat on lake water reflections Live streaming Acrylic simple painting lesson for new artists Fully guided YOU CAN PAINT THIS with The Art Sherpa Traceable-Grid, " Art-work and Extra info downlaod the pdf here. 

facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheArtSherpa/ Garb: https://teespring.com/stores/the-art-sherpa

Below are a list of Recommended materials. This includes Amazon Affiliate program, and you support The Art Sherpa when using them. These are linked here to make thing easy and convenient for you. full disclosure here http://bit.ly/affiliatedisclosureTAS *** Acrylic Paint Colors *** ***Yellow Ocher:PY 43 OR Yellow Oxide PY 42 same thing kinda ***Burnt Sienna: PBr 7

***Cadmium Yellow Medium : PY 35

***Cadmium Red medium : PR 108

***Phthalo Green Blue shade : PG 7

***Phthalo Blue Green shade :PB 15:3 for Pro and PB15 for student

***Dioxazine Purple: PV 23

***Quinacridone Magenta: PR 122

***Titanium white: PW 6

***Mars black: PBk 11 9x12 canvas or surface

If you dont have a color you can exchange your colors for any of the ones listed here-   

Cad Red Medium pure or hue - Pyrolle Red, Primary red -or vermillion- Naphthol Red Medium -  


 Quinacridone magenta, Quinacridone Rose , Crimson, deep magenta  

 Phtahlo Blue , Windsor Blue , Cyan Blue 

Ultramarine- Anthraquinone Blue

Cadmium Yellow- Cadmium yellow Hue , Hansa Yellow Medium , 

Phthalo Green- Cobalt Green , Viridian Green Hue

Burnt Sienna -Burnt Umber 

Mars black - Carbon Black 

Dioxazine purple - Ultramarine Violet 

Titanium white - Primary white 

***** More Materials These are used often in my lessons but may not be use here ********* New Wave Paper peel Paint Pallet : https://amzn.to/2ROk6xw T Square Ruler - https://amzn.to/2Jpic1c Saral Paper: http://amzn.to/2zBrLbN Chalk: https://amzn.to/2FhPVa9 Sharpener : https://amzn.to/2Fhj19M Artist Tape : https://amzn.to/2qZTywt Tracing Paper 9x12 : https://amzn.to/2r0V55h Art storage I LOVE Art bin : https://amzn.to/2NDohsw

MY EASEL Best European Easel *OS3 http://amzn.to/1Xm9Ieu Jack Richeson La Vara Easel, Table Top http://amzn.to/2audtKw Books : Painting in Acrylics: The Indispensable Guide: https://amzn.to/2LQ64c3 How to Mix Skin color - https://amzn.to/2FeEv7j Victoria Finlay History of Color: https://amzn.to/2Jn0Yl1

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HEART MAIL: The Art Sherpa 9490 fm 1960 RD W suite 200 Humble TX 77338

Artwork is the property of Cinnamon Cooney and The Art Sherpa LLC. and is intended for the personal enjoyment of the student. You may sell, donate or Gift a painting you do following one of my lessons in a private setting. If a paintings you make of my original design are offered for sale in a retail setting of any kind ( this includes online) , please attribute ‘Original design by Cinnamon Cooney, The Art Sherpa. www.theartsherpa.com’ Please, create no prints or mechanical reproductions of your paintings of my original design. This is a violation of my copyright and use policy.

If you’d like to share our tutorial/original painting design with a church group, skilled nursing facility or other nonprofit interest, do get in touch with Labs we can help you

For commercial use or licensing in the painting party, social painting, or other venues; please visit our business website:
