Robin Cote


Member Since May 7, 2016
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Posts: 1


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Robin Cote
@robin-cote9 years ago

wish I could use this site better cant join in chat tried many times I can see others ost but cant enter text in chat box fustrated

Robin Cote
11/17/16 07:02:53PM @robin-cote:
  • Ty

stupid worthless idiot
11/17/16 05:00:50PM @stupid-worthless-idiot:


Hi. The techs are working on the site to hopefully get rid of some of the glitches we (the sherpettes) are finding in it. I'm going to tag John just so he can see the problem you're having. I don't know if there are any setting adjustments that are keeping you from chat or if it's a glitch. Sorry I can't be more help.

