So I was thinking to myself.... why didn't I make it skin tone? Tears aren't BLUE! LOL! Isn't that the color of a tear - whatever skintone it is rolling down? I'm not trying to be mellow dramatic - I'm just thinking how the color chart I made yesterday had some pretty good skin tones on them, so maybe that would have been the better way to go .... there is always next time, so I'm glad I had that little chat with myself.
So I was thinking to myself.... why didn't I make it skin tone? Tears aren't BLUE! LOL! Isn't that the color of a tear - whatever skintone it is rolling down? I'm not trying to be mellow dramatic - I'm just thinking how the color chart I made yesterday had some pretty good skin tones on them, so maybe that would have been the better way to go .... there is always next time, so I'm glad I had that little chat with myself.