The best way to tell what is actually in your paint is to look for the pigment number on the label. Golden and Matisse make them easy to find on the front of the labels. Other companies list them on the side or back though. Without the number, it is hard to tell for certain, but I looked at the Jerry's site, and Sennelier also makes a cadmium red hue, so this is probably the real thing. Real cadmium red has a pigment number of PR108, and it will be a fairly high series because it is an expensive one to make. I don't know how many series Sennelier makes, but it looks like this one is series 6, so it isn't cheap. Another clue that it is probably real. The pigment number won't tell you what shade it is, but it will let you know whether or not it has cadmium.
I'm not in paint sales or anything. I just get interested in weird things, and have a tendency to fall into various internet holes. Consequently, I have learned WAY more than anyone that isn't manufacturing paints needs to know about pigments.
Is this REAL Cadmium Red, as opposed to Cad Red HUE? :) It's so tiny here, but it says: Roughe de Cadmium/Cadmium Red .... 608 by Sennelier Extra Fine Artist Acrylic from Jerry's Artarama
Wow. Thank you @thunder814! I think that is so interesting, too, and I appreciate your taking the time to teach me! :)
The best way to tell what is actually in your paint is to look for the pigment number on the label. Golden and Matisse make them easy to find on the front of the labels. Other companies list them on the side or back though. Without the number, it is hard to tell for certain, but I looked at the Jerry's site, and Sennelier also makes a cadmium red hue, so this is probably the real thing. Real cadmium red has a pigment number of PR108, and it will be a fairly high series because it is an expensive one to make. I don't know how many series Sennelier makes, but it looks like this one is series 6, so it isn't cheap. Another clue that it is probably real. The pigment number won't tell you what shade it is, but it will let you know whether or not it has cadmium.
I'm not in paint sales or anything. I just get interested in weird things, and have a tendency to fall into various internet holes. Consequently, I have learned WAY more than anyone that isn't manufacturing paints needs to know about pigments.
Is this REAL Cadmium Red, as opposed to Cad Red HUE? :) It's so tiny here, but it says:
Roughe de Cadmium/Cadmium Red .... 608 by Sennelier Extra Fine Artist Acrylic from Jerry's Artarama