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Member Since March 10, 2016
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Pinners Conference Blog 2

By Kimberley A. K. Mayberry, 2018-10-27

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I will be teaching at the upcoming Pinners Conference. On November 3 at 10am I will be teaching at the Mountain America Trade Expo in Salt Lake City, Utah and on November 9 at 3:30pm at Westworld of Scottsdale, Arizona.

Find out more by going to . There you can find out about the fabulous painting I’m teaching and about the amazing Art Sherpa art box filled with $200 worth of supplies for only $100 + all applicable sales tax!

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Pinners Conference

By Kimberley A. K. Mayberry, 2018-10-17


Have you ever wanted to paint with me in person? Do you like Pinterest? ME TOO! Have you heard about the Pinners Conference? I will be at the Pinners Conference in Utah on November 2-3 and in Arizona on November 9-10. During the event you get a chance to purchase our first art box kit. This is going to be so different for us but I am excited to see what you think. Everything that is included in the box and all the details about the event are included below.

The Pinners Kit Will Include:

This kit is over a $ 200 value for just a $ 100

All appropriate sales tax will be added to the purchase price.

This kit is ONLY available at the conference. NO EARLY SALES AVAILABLE!  

Professional Acrylic Paint Mixing Set By Artist's Loft™


Full sizes of

Titanium White

Yellow Medium Azo

Quinacridone Magenta

Phthalo Blue (green shade)

Phthalo Green (blue shade)

Carbon Black

The Art Sherpa Cats Tongue #8

Canvas Panel 9x12 Pack

Table Top Easel

The Art Sherpa Paint Water Cup

The Art Sherpa LED Fan

The Art Sherpa Apron

Laminated Step by Step print out with tips.

USB Flash Drive - With full video recording step by steps of the class plus bonus projects that use the same materials in the kit!

Classes will only be an hour in duration. This does not allow us to teach the full painting, but we will be doing a demo of the painting and you may follow along. The  USB Drive included in your kit has all the instructions to complete the class painting and bonus painting.  Also included in your kit is a step by step guide with instructions for completing the paintings from start to finish.  Please come early to the class so you have time to purchase your kit and set up before the class starts, if you would like to follow along with the demo.

Instructions for purchasing a ticket online"

1. When on a computer, purchase a ticket that entitles you to one or more classes. Once this is done, you will receive an email with a link to schedule classes.
2. Follow the link to schedule classes and for Utah, pre-register for the Boho Snowman Class on Saturday 10AM Room 1. There is no additional charge for this, it reserves a spot for you to attend.
3. Once you have pre-registered, go to look at your schedule / review schedule. 
4. You will see a link there to click on to Purchase the Kit. Click on the link!

Click here for Link to Pinners Utah Information

Utah - November 2-3, 2018

Mountain America Expo Center -  Fri 10am - 8pm & Sat 9am - 7pm

Paint with me on Saturday at 10 am (Demo)

Click here for Link to Pinners Arizona Information

Arizona - November 9-10, 2018

West World of Scottsdale -  Fri 10am - 8pm & Sat 9am - 7pm

Paint with me on Friday at 3:30 pm (Demo)

Affiliate Disclosure

By TheArtSherpa, 2018-08-01

Affiliate Disclosure

This Affiliate Disclosure is provided to fully disclose the relationship between this site, and product and service recommendations and the owners of products and services. I am required by the FTC to inform you that an affiliate relationship exists between The Art Sherpa and some of the products or services it reviews, recommends or promotes that have an associated link. Further I make brushes in Partnership with Silver Brush Limited. I benefit financially from this relationship 

The Art Sherpa  makes use of affiliate relationships with merchants for the purposes of monetization. This means that when you click on links to various merchants on this site, and make a purchase, a small commission is credited to the Art Sherpa . Affiliate relationships include, but are not limited to Amazon, Brutus Monroe. Kings Framing and art  and the Brush Guys. 

I also have relationships with Ampersand ,  Sennelier, Holbein and Golden Artist colors where paint and materials have been sent to me for free for  use on the show. I do use and like all these products but wanted you to know. 

All opinions expressed are my own and are not necessarily the views of the merchants I am affiliated with. I choose to recommend only products or services that I have used or thoroughly researched. My brushes have been either hand selected  by me  or directly created by me in partnership with silver Brush Limited.  

If you have any questions about any affiliate links or relationships on this site, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am more than happy to assist.

" When it rains – look for the rainbows – when it’s dark, look for the stars. "

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I adore this humble yet mindful  little quote. Looking on the bright side of things is about finding the resilience to see the possibilities when others see the worst.  The opportunities in situations others find soul crushing. That is why I have been painting Umbrella girls. They became my symbol of hope when all was hope had been lost.

When all Hope is Lost 

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My husband had nearly died, we lost everything we had worked so hard for, and even found ourselves with a newborn having to exit under the worst possible circumstances.  WE had to sell everything we owned. My art studio, Johns tools, A bunch of our art, and even many of the larger kids toys then would not fit in the trailer we could afford too rent. I remember this lady who was hired to help us sell our things letting her kids drive around in my son and daughters Barbie cars that their grandmother had gotten them one particularly magical Christmas two years before. Play all over the castle my mom and I had handpainted for my eldest. Screaming its MINE No its MINE while I tried to hide my tears and keep my kids from seeing their toys vanish. We had worked hard, been good kind  people and we had lost. I had though we had past that stage where a series of events could level us. But as many of you know it can happen to anyone. I left with my photo's, the documents and the family heirlooms we had been entrusted with. I had my husband thankfully still alive but still very ill  and depressed.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.

Helen Keller


So  I ended up driving the 4,090.6 km to Houston  , nursing my two month old, all the way back to Texas.  I am the girl who never gave up. Who rode a 12 hand high pony to national recognition against full grown horses and adults. I am NOT giving up on this road. I plotted a course and made us get the geocaching stuff out. We looked at all the tourist stops, cached all kinds of adventures and found our way back to Texas almost like my family. Almost like myself.

All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my Angel mother.

Abraham Lincoln


BUT I have no paint !!! I have no canvases and really I am heart broken. But I am not willing to give up.I don’t even know why I was so determined. But I expect it’s those things that keep mothers going. My husband and my kids and needing to show them that things were going to be OK. I honestly was it a time in my life I didn’t know If I would ever paint again. Was I ready to start over.?! But as I got back into the swing of things at the request of my mother. Many of you know how she got me into painting parties as a way to get me out of the house. I started bringing the paint home and the canvas’s home. And just like it’s always been my art was there for me to see me through my hardest times. There were owls and sunflowers by van Gogh.

I can't just make a song people can dance in a club to... it still has to be real.

Mary J. Blige


And I managed to get a 30 x 40 canvas that was gifted to me so that I could sell a painting. I mean that’s what I know....Art.  So I just took all that feeling and hurt and fear and I matched it up with my results and determination to see a better future. And I painted my first girl in the rain. And we hung it on the wall. People LOVED her.  Two very important things happened I realized I could not sell her and I realized we needed to have a lesson on it. So I did an umbrella girl tight skirt good figure to tone streaky background for the rain. And not to be funny but she made a splash . See because she came from something real,  something authentic , honest , and true it’s spoke to people who saw her!

Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life.

John Updike



Because they been through the rain to and they wanted to see rainbows and they wanted to see stars. As you know since this is become a huge trend and I’m really honored to of been a small part of creating it. Back in 2011 and 2012 there would have been no way to know that owls and Umbrella Girls would be so huge.


 The way that owls and girls in the rain came from such a real place in me it’s how we should be as artists. But for me that first painting was the seminal moment when I remembered who I was. By now I have a collection of girls in the rain. Lessons and designs. My original girl ended up being gifted to woman I met name Sharron. She had survived a terrible assault and being set on fire as a young woman. She had seen her son murdered in front of her. Yet she was one of the strongest most hopeful people I ever met. And when she would look at that paining she would say that’s me. That’s how I got through. And I knew the paining had to be hers. I want her to have that in her life. And that’s how artists Are We generally see more than the money  or the likes and follows. Because they’re real stories behind our art. What I paint is true for me even when it seems like a  simple trend.  


There is this lesson in the rain and in the dark. You have to make a decision about who you are in relationship to these things. Was I the perspective of  possibility?  When people paint my girls in the rain I’m hoping that some of what I got out of that journey, some of what it took me to survive and see through and find my positive future gets into them. Everything I do is so much more than my YouTube channel or my Instagram account or my Facebook. It’s real. The rain is real. But the umbrella is real to. This wasn’t just a streaky background I had put in a corridor of light to show the possible Future.


I think a lot about what happens to people that paint with me and the images I put in front of them in if I’m going to be leaving them stronger emotionally?  More than that to Tutorial to me  I guess it’s a lighthouse. All these paintings even after I’m gone will be in the world helping some other person  back to her personal power. Some family Back into health and Joy 

Lover in the Rain .jpg

I’ve learned some things about myself. I’m tougher than I knew. I can face the storm and everything that comes for me and I will find the rainbow at the end of it. But even more than that I want to help other people behind me find that path through their personal storm. So when you do one of my tutorials know this is more than painting. This is more than views or legs or social media. This is you and me having a conversation about how strong you can be. About that you can get through your personal storm and find your rainbow at the end of it. I want to thank everyone of you for your time and your courage.

Quick Common Surface Aspect Ratios

By StuntHands, 2018-07-01

Hey Sherpetts!

Here is a quick table to cross reference aspect ratio to make it easier when you want to scale up your work. Aspect Ratio refers to the size ratio of the top to the side in 'parts'. So in 3:4 Aspect, it is 3 top parts to 4 side parts or 3" by 4". For more information check out ASPECT RATIOS on WIKIPEDIA

-Stunt Hands

ASPECT Size 1 Size 2 Size 3 Size 4 Size 5 Size 6 Size 7
3:4 3"x4" 6"x8" 9"x12" 12"x16" 18"X24" 30"X40" 36"x48"
4:5 8"x10" 16"X20" 24"X30"
6:5 10"X12" 20"X24"
7:5 5"x7" 10"X14" 20"X28"
11:14 11"x14" 22"x24"
1:1 6"X6" 12"X12"
1:2 6"X12" 8"X16" 12"X24"
7:9 7"X9" 14"X18" 21"X27" 28"X36"
2:3 2"X3" 6"X9" 12"X18" 16"X24" 20"X30" 24"X36"

The Art Sherpa Brush 200K Subscriber Giveaway sponsored by Silver Brush Limited

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Starts : September 30, 2017    

Ends : October 13, 2017


Entries need to be through the above link . This is how we can track your entries and reach you if you win

Comment under this Blog posting but through our entry form so we know you did :)

3 Winners will be chosen

Prize: The Art Sherpa Contest Prize Pack Valued at $79.35 USD.

Winners announced on the 14th at the LIVE SHOW on The Art Sherpa’s YouTube channel.

The announced winners will be contacted after the live show on the 14th via the email they used on, they will have 72 hours to respond to the email before another winner will be chosen.

Why are you having a contest?

Our Friends at Silver Brush Limited said they wanted to help us celebrate having 200 thousand subscribers on YouTube, Sherpa said “OMG YES QUEEN, Can we give away brushes?”, Silver Brush Limited said, “How about 3 special brush packs, AND we will ship Globally!”... and that's how they came to be our sponsors for this giveaway.

So what do we win?

Enter here through here


You will be given several options 

Each The Art Sherpa contest prize pack contains:

 #8 cloud, #4 Fan, #10 Bright (Goldie locks), #4 casts tongue (not a filbert), #1 round detail

Normally you’d only be able to get these brushes via open stock. Silver Brush Limited put together this special contest prize pack, how awesome is that!?!



3 WINNERS!?!?!?!

YES! 3 winners!!!!

On October 14th we will have a special Live show just to announce the Winners!!

  After the show the winners will be contacted via the email they use to sign in to TheArtSherpa website.

  Winners will have 72 hours to respond to the email. If they fail to do so a new winner will be chosen, and contacted via email.

Steam Punk Girl

By TheArtSherpa, 2017-02-28
Steam Punk Girl

Steam punk is an amazing art style! This painting has a project  for how to create the patina for the background. A how to Draw the girl in that was LIVE on fb. We covered her in two awesome body types. BUT due to enthusiasm to create designs that are even more inclusive I went ahead and made her in 3 body types for the traceable. It is important that in a personal creative Process we create work that has a positive reflection of our world. A positive reflection of who we are and the people we love. I would encourage you to take advantage of the Hair and  Skin quests as well at the 3 trace-ables so that you can create a painting that feels personal. Paint yourself into your steampunk fantasy. 

Draw it :

Background :

The girl:

Pinterest :

Video Link

Facebook Video

Wizards and Artists make all the Muggles Nervous

When I tell people I am an artist they look at me as if I said I am a Wizard for a career path. In fact for years I dropped artist and said stay at home mom. Which still was received with more acceptance and respect than Artist. But I am out of the game closet and wearing my paint and smock proudly. Yes I am an Artist. My imagination is what I will be using to pay my light bill this month and no I will not be imagining the lights on. It is interesting how what you do and who you are can affect people. After all its not like I drug them out of their job and asked them to also be an Artist with me. We are not a cult we are a Culture! In fact artist, writers,chefs, and Musicians are what give us any sense of culture. In creation we are part of the divine and are therefore a little magical...scary. Perhaps our bare open honestly in the face of social convention is just to daring. Either way I am only daring to be myself.

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