Tagged: acrylic

Patron Only White Cat

Patron Only White Cat

Wednesday Nov 13 2024, 6:00 PM
@ YouTube
Patron Evening Livestream Nov 13th 6 pm Join me for a Patron live stream Nov 13th 6 pm ET on youtube Link :...
Patron Mystery Zoom

Patron Mystery Zoom

Wednesday Sep 11 2024, 12:00 PM
@ Zoom
Mysteryย  Zoom Class Wednesday Sept 11, 12 PM EDTย  Join Link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85043777749?pwd=5MXK7y7VQuB8aMqGaSHVhgCwuaCweV.1...
Colorful Snowman with Bokeh ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŽจ How to Draw and Paint tutorial for Beginners | Winter Wonder 2024

Colorful Snowman with Bokeh ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŽจ How to Draw and Paint tutorial for Beginners | Winter Wonder 2024

Thursday Oct 17 2024, 11:00 AM
@ YouTube
Colorful Snowman with Bokeh ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŽจ How to Draw and Paint tutorial for Beginners | Winter Wonder 2024 ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŽจ...
PART 2  White Cat in Lavender  How to Draw and Paint tutorial for Beginners

PART 2 White Cat in Lavender How to Draw and Paint tutorial for Beginners

Wednesday Nov 20 2024, 4:00 PM
@ YouTube
part 2 These easy acrylic painting tutorials for beginners provide a comprehensive acrylic course for anyone wanting to improve their painting abilities. Each tutorial is 100%...
Patron Zoom alien

Patron Zoom alien

Category: Howto & Style
Patron Exclusive Christmas Cow Zoom Replay PART 1

Patron Exclusive Christmas Cow Zoom Replay PART 1

Sunday Nov 12 2023, 1:00 PM
@ YouTube
Patron Exclusive Christmas Cow Zoom Replay PART 1 Easy Acrylic painting tutorial for beginners. Acrylic course for those who want to learn how to paint better. It's all 100%...
Patron Exclusive Vlog - May 29 th

Patron Exclusive Vlog - May 29 th

Category: Howto & Style
May  Patron Q and A and Painting Peek

May Patron Q and A and Painting Peek

Category: Howto & Style
Patron Studio Chat May 6th

Patron Studio Chat May 6th

Category: Howto & Style
Patron Give away and Q and A

Patron Give away and Q and A

Category: Howto & Style
Patron Jan live stream | TheArtSherpa

Patron Jan live stream | TheArtSherpa

Category: Howto & Style
The Tree - Patron Only - Video (link is on your dashboard)

The Tree - Patron Only - Video (link is on your dashboard)

Monday Oct 3 2022, 1:00 PM
@ YouTube
The TREE Patron only - Acrylic painting Tutorial Step by Step - Painting courseย  for Beginners who want a realย  acrylic painting step by step tutorial about how to paint...
Patron Live Stream Red Fox #1

Patron Live Stream Red Fox #1

Monday Nov 18 2019, 1:00 PM
@ YouTube
Stage #5 Of painting the Fox. We are starting the first of the details of the painting ย Brush Store Locator - http://bit.ly/WhereToBuyTheBrushes Grass comb mop...
Patron Live Stream Red Fox #5 (Link is on your dashboard)

Patron Live Stream Red Fox #5 (Link is on your dashboard)

Tuesday Jun 16 2020, 1:00 PM
@ YouTube
ย  Stage #5 Of painting the Fox. We are starting the first of the details of the painting ย Brush Store Locator - http://bit.ly/WhereToBuyTheBrushes Grass...
Full Figure Painting Patron only (link is on your dashboards)

Full Figure Painting Patron only (link is on your dashboards)

Wednesday Feb 5 2020, 7:45 PM
@ YouTube
We will paint a figure together. Does she not seem Bertie to you too!! Below are a list of Recommended materials. This includes Amazon Affiliate program, and you support...
Patron (only) Group Live and Q & A

Patron (only) Group Live and Q & A

Monday Jul 20 2020, 8:30 PM
@ Patron Group
Come join our bi-weekly patron only group live and Q & A. Come hang out with The Sherpa in group live. Must be a $5 patron or above and be in Patron only group. Sherpa...
Patron Only Cherry Lips (Links on your dashboard)

Patron Only Cherry Lips (Links on your dashboard)

Friday Jul 30 2021, 1:00 PM
@ YouTube
ย  Patron class Come learn how to paint these Very red Cherry lips Easy social paint night in you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home keeping it fun. This is a...
Patron Live Stream Red Fox #4  Links on your dashboard

Patron Live Stream Red Fox #4 Links on your dashboard

Thursday May 28 2020, 1:00 PM
@ YouTube
Stage #4 Of painting the Fox. We are starting the first of the details of the painting Brush Store Locator - http://bit.ly/WhereToBuyTheBrushes Grass comb mop...
Patron Live Stream Moon landscape Fantasy

Patron Live Stream Moon landscape Fantasy

Sunday Jun 30 2019, 3:00 PM
@ YouTube
Live streaming Acrylic simple painting lesson for new artists Fully guided YOU CAN PAIN THIS with The Art Sherpa Traceable-Grid, " Art-work and Extra info - facebook group:...
The OLD AUTUMN TREE Patron only - PART 2 Acrylic painting Tutorial Step by Step

The OLD AUTUMN TREE Patron only - PART 2 Acrylic painting Tutorial Step by Step

Monday Oct 10 2022, 1:00 PM
@ YouTube
The TREE Patron only - Acrylic painting Tutorial Step by Step - Painting courseย  for Beginners who want a realย  acrylic painting step by step tutorial about how to paint...
The Roses Patron Bonus  step by step

The Roses Patron Bonus step by step

Category: Howto & Style
Patron Only BABY YODA

Patron Only BABY YODA

Category: Howto & Style
Patron Red Birds having a meet up

Patron Red Birds having a meet up

Category: Howto & Style
Patron Live Mystery stream

Patron Live Mystery stream

Category: Howto & Style
Patron Live stream Red Fox #1

Patron Live stream Red Fox #1

Category: Howto & Style
Patron Live stream Red Fox #3

Patron Live stream Red Fox #3

Category: Howto & Style
Patron Live stream Red Fox #9

Patron Live stream Red Fox #9

Category: Howto & Style
Patron The Green World Part 1 Sky | TheArtSherpa

Patron The Green World Part 1 Sky | TheArtSherpa

Monday Aug 3 2020, 8:00 PM
@ YouTube
Part 1 Sky for The Green world: Live streaming Beginner Acrylic painting step by step lesson for new artists Fully guided YOU CAN PAINT THIS with The Art Sherpa...
DEC 11th Patron Only Vote Bluejays | TheArtSherpa (links are on your dashboard)

DEC 11th Patron Only Vote Bluejays | TheArtSherpa (links are on your dashboard)

Friday Dec 11 2020, 7:00 PM
@ YouTube
DEC 11th Patron Only Vote in Facebook group Now | TheArtSherpa Patron Only Vote in Facebook group Now | TheArtSherpa go by and voteย  *** Acrylic Paint Colors ***...
How to Paint|  Halloween Pumpkin Man| Easy Art

How to Paint| Halloween Pumpkin Man| Easy Art

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
The Art Sherpa at VidCon 2015

The Art Sherpa at VidCon 2015

Category: Howto & Style
Beginner Acrylic tutorial Tree Frog

Beginner Acrylic tutorial Tree Frog

Category: Howto & Style
Free Paint Night A time of Rainy City Streets

Abstract City in the Rain created in Pallet Knife for a Free home Painting Party . One of the Trends I often think I should design to is Rain. This has been an interesting thing that has gone on in a very unexpected way and I believe inspired new art we can all enjoy. I am always looking to give you something exciting, challenging but still easy to paint at a beginner space. These Abstract Cities in Pallet knife are perfect for free acrylic tutorials on youtube. The Painting Party art movement has created some really unexpected design space for artists I wonder if we really understand fully. ย In the past I have done daily paintings but now find myself doing 2 and even 3 designs on some days.ย 

Paint Nite at home allows for some really fun options I did not have when I was teaching at Sip and Paints. Simple knives and colors make this a great beginner painting anyone can do. A small diamond knife and compound angle ย knife make quick work of this easy painting.ย 

jr500881.jpg ย 70F77A847993B29105890F6BB853D5A3.jpg

A small thought on knives. YES you can use the plastic knives but just like brushes quality will impact your experience. Metal gives us a sharp edge that makes easy work of lines and Edges. Also loading for the stroke is easy. Pallet knives should always be loaded on the side that the stroke will be travel. Stroking right load your bead on the right side. Stroking left Load your bead on the left side.ย 

Pallet knife paintings can use a lot of paint. Here are some tips and tricks to keep the cost at a minimum and get the best result. If you are using a basic paint - ( artist loft or Basics ) the paint does not hold body very well. If you are using a pro paint ( Golden Artist colors, Liquitex heavy body, Matisse Derivan) You may want to extend the paint to reduce cost. Both of these challenges can be fixed by using a Matte Gel Medium as an extender. You just mix a bit of your paint into the gel half and half. That way you can go twice as far with what you have. Also if you have a deflating paint like Liquitex basics or Artist Loft it will help hold the body of the stroke ( impasto).ย 

Can a beginner use a pallet knife? I get asked this a lot and the answer is of course YES!!! Yes you can. You must relax in the looseness of the style and let go of perfectionism. However I think we must all let go of perfectionism a little bit. Though I do think a balanced sense of perfection can be a beautiful trait in an artist. No hard and fat answers in art just a long road of self evaluation and Discovery. I wonder if the Paint Night movement had any idea of the creative art renaissance they were creating when they started. How did you find your Way into art? What started you on this Journey.

Art love as Always

The Art Sherpa ย 

The Home Paint Nite

By , 2016-10-18
The Home Paint Nite

A great Fall / autumn landscape Step by Step Acrylic Painting on Canvas for Beginners. Easy Canvas painting Ideas that are FUN and Beautiful for the whole family. All the fun of a Painting Party from the comfort of your own home. That is the dream. This amazing painting movement Sweeping the country ย is taking people by storm. Really I think it is inspiring their imaginations.ย 

There is a Social aspect to the sip and paint I think matters very deeply to all who go. Social arting if you will. BUT of course that is not sustainable on a daily basis. You need to paint and create might be daily thought. Art for healing and relaxation is a powerful tool. By being able to paint at home you can overcome so many barriers. Physical, financial and even emotional.

Silly Paint along with Kraken and Gnome

Fun easy paintings , Great food, your favorite Chair can make a Home party YOUR perfect party. The freedom to stay in your Pajama's and paint it your way. I love seeing your home studios and your creative spaces. Its important to make your Creative space your space. Play the music you like, Eat the foods that comfort, and relax while you rediscover your creative drive again. However What about the Social aspect of your journey? Some ideas over the last couple years the have been shared with me are.

#1Families painting together using Art Sherpa Free youtube painting and Skype. They all watch the same youtube tutorial and paint together VIRTUALLY with me who is their virtual instructor. ย It is a great way for loved ones separated by distance to stay in touch and feel deeply connected. I know military families love this option.ย 

#2 The friends and Family home party. Get the Google Chrome Caste. Fun plastic table clothe and cater the food. This is wonderful as it allows Everyone to come together and create memories that hang on the way. A window to a wonderful night. Themes and even team shirts have been done.ย 

#3 The hospital Digital paint. Hospitals can be a home painting party too. Digital painting tools are amazing and YES you can paint along to An Art sherpa Painting tutorial with a Digital Brush. I love when I see people doing this as I know from an extended medical event with my mom how hard the healing journey can be. Its great to read how people are making the best of the bad. they even come to live events and visit with their friends online during a live painting class.ย 

How are you painting with me? Do you have and unexpected what you paint with the Art Sherpa? I would love to hear about that.
