For Acrylic April
I use the same brushes, canvas size and colors every year.
The color that is hard for most people to find is Naples Yellow light sometimes Called Titanate Yellow or Even Nickel Titanate Yellow
That can be frustrating for the new artist. What you may not know is outside of the voluntary ATSM there are no standards in art materials.
So on a tube of paint there are bit of info. Color info , safety info and lightfast info. Reading the tube is important but when you are new its hard.
Nickel Titanium Yellow ( PY 53 ) is opaque and has a low tinting strength. Because it's not overpowering, it can be controlled easily.
Titanate serves as a substitute for lemon yellow which is the traditional cool yellow
Some companies make a hue that is Very close they call Naples yellow light- That is what I am using in my Sennelier paint- Naples Yellow light.
This is the green Bias Yellow
You can Substitute ANY of these Cool (green) Bias Yellows , Pick one -
- Hansa Yellow light
- Cadmium Yellow Light
- Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue
- Lemon Yellow
- Bismuth Vanadate
- Yellow Azo Light
- Benzimidazolone Yellow Light
- Arcylique by Sennelier Called Naples Yellow Light
- Holbein Acrylic Called Naples Yellow
- Abstract acrylic paint by Sennelier Naples yellow light
- Amsterdam Acrylic paint made by Royal Talens
- Old Holland New Masters Classic Acrylic
- Matisse Structure Acrylic - titanate yellow
- (also called Naples Yellow light in this line of paint)
- DALER ROWNEY : CRYLA ACRYLIC PAINT- nickle titanate yellow
- Golden Heavy Body Artist Acrylics- Titanate Yellow
- Pébéo Studio Fine Acrylic Naples Yellow Hue 100 ml
- Cranfield Acrylics- Primrose Yellow is like Py53
- AV Vallejo Acrylic -Titanium Yellow IS like py53
NEED more info about the YELLOW ??
HERE are some more yellow names that may be the color SEE why it gets to be so complicated for teachers to relay what color you are looking for.
PY53 is a strange special color |
PY53 |
Nickel Antimony Titanium Yellow Rutile |
Antimony Nickel Titanium Oxide Yellow; C.I. Pigment Yellow 53; Juane Citron; Lemon Yellow [EP.p | w . wp .]; Lemon Yellow (Nickel Titanate} [ WN . w . w ]; Meteor® Bright Yellow 8320; Naples Yellow (hue) [ LA .a | MA.p ]; Naples yellow Light (hue) [ KA . o ]; Naples Yellow Light (imitation) [ KA . o . p ]; Nickel Antimony Titanate; Nickel Antimony Titanium Yellow Rutile; Nickel Rutile Yellow; Nickel Titanate; Nickel Titanate Yellow [GEN | DR . w | DS .a d . o . w | DV . w | GR . wo | GU.pd | MA . o . o(artis) . p . w | RT . a ]; Nickel Titanium [ OH . a . o . w ]; Nickel Titanium Oxide; Nickel Titanium Yellow [KP.p | OH . a . o . w | SI.p | WN d ]; Nickel Yellow [GEN | BX.o | CAS.k | KA . o . p | SE . o . p | WL . o . p ]; Nickle Yellow Titanium [ SCH . p ]; Nickel Yellow Titanium Rutile; Pigment Yellow 53; Praseodym Titanium Yellow; Shepherd Yellow; Sunflower Yellow; Titanate Yellow [ GO . a . af . ag ]; Titanium Nickel Yellow [ MA .o(artis). p ]; Titanium Yellow [ GO .a | RGH.o.p | SCH . w ]; Vasari Yellow [ MA.o(Ren) ]; Vesuvius Yellow [ MA.o(Med) ]; |
Acrylic April Painting Challenge begins April 1st 2020- no joke
30 Days, 30 Powerful Little Paintings
We hope that Every April, artists from all over the world take on the Acrylic all April painting challenge by doing one small acrylic painting every day for the entire month.
I am creating the #AcrylicApril challenge as a way to introduce painters to the gifts of daily painting with Acrylic.This monthly challenge will help every acrylic artist unlock the true potential of the acrylic medium and their art own voice.
Anyone can do Acrylic April,
Just grab your paint, your brush and hit the studio( even if it’s your kitchen Table).
#AcrylicApril rules:
1) Make a painting on a surface 12x12 or smaller. ( sorry for the confusion)
2) Share it online
3) Hashtag it with #AcrylicApril and #AcrylicApril2020 #ItsNoJokeAcrylicApril and be sure to add the day of the challenge, or word prompt, etc
4) Repeat Daily from April 1 ( no fooling) to April 30th
How to do the Challenge
Do your best to paint daily. Some Days may be artwork you are excited about some days you may scribble out an abstract but under no circumstances should your be hard on yourself. If you make 30 little paintings you are a winner. If you make less than 30 you are a winner. Do your best
Wait there are daily tutorials not just prompts ?? THAT'S right!!! This is an Art Sherpa painting challenge so it’s extra awesome.. This challenge comes with a daily live video lesson you can follow along with. So you can use the prompts, follow the lesson, or do your own thing. Either way you are going to succeed. This is going to change your art world. I will be teaching my lessons on an 8x8 art panel. That's it! Now go make something beautiful. Yes Youtubers can join in. Yes Bloggers can join in Yes Homeschool moms can join in Anyone from Anywhere in the world no matter who you are or how much painting experience you have can Join in. You are invited to paint along!! How much does it cost -IT'S FREE ( so you can buy more art supplies )
What Should YOU do first ?
Videos will air 12 pm CST on Youtube and 6 pm CST
The first Video is here
<img src="" alt="worksheet acrylic april #1.jpg" title="worksheet acrylic april #1.jpg" border="0" style="normalmargin: 0px;">
<img src="" alt="Acrylic April grid #1.jpg" title="Acrylic April grid #1.jpg" border="0" style="normalmargin: 0px;">
A note from the Art Sherpa : IF you only read one Newsletter all year THIS is the one you should read all the way through! Enjoy my Rewind and Jump ahead Newsletter! This is a GREAT way to make sure you missed nothing and are prepped for the 2020 Arting yet to come. New paintings, books and our First Art Retreat where you can paint with me! Brushes UP! Like a painting?? Click It to go to the Playlist or Video link for it!! You are a Click away!
Here is a look at some of our past events and projects . The year of Cute Kids in art !!
Most Popular Picture Community Vote Best of the Year
Other top picks
Acrylic April This was the first year for Acrylic April. Painting daily is the #1 thing an artist can do to improve their painting! skills! The idea we would meet live every day and paint together for a little under an hour for the month of April certainly caught fire. This is a wild event in that we had both word prompts AND full lessons. As far as I know it this was the first daily painting program targeted at beginners. You can find all the videos in order And here is the website with rules
The facebook page : The website: The group :
Acrylic April Testimonials
Every year we meet up to do 13 Halloween paintings. This is so much fun and at this point we have more than 30 total Days of Halloween tutorials. In fact we created a Challenge for anyone that painted all 31 days they would get a free month of Patronage on the website.
We started doing Big Paintings!! 24x36 by using two black Canvases
Spring and Summer ones are On the way !!WE had some Awesome Winter paintings you guys LOVED Step by Steps appeared !!We introduced Step by steps as an extra way to help you find your way through an art project easily! These are one of my favorite parts of the new year.
Things people have said about the step by steps
Here is a look at what we have coming up for you in the New Year. Classes starting in 2020:
Books : Coming soon Labs Manual - The Art Sherpa's guide to starting your own painting party business
The Art Sherpa ~The Not too Adult, Grown-Up Coloring Book - co created in collaboration with Stephanie Bergeron
Coming later in 2020 The Big Art Quest The Pears are coming back!! Bigger and better than EVER!
The Sherpanista Cookbook - Written in Collaboration with you. We still have room for your to submit your Favorite Artful Recipes to be a contributor in the Community Cookbook. Go to the link here to be a part of our community created cookbook.
The First Art Sherpa Retreat: Come Join me for 5 days and 4 nights of Art Adventure We will be enjoying the best of on-location painting, as well as art workshops. Each day will be full of Art Sherpa guided adventures. Each part will be fully supported so you won’t need to already know how to do any of the activities. I will share my three favorite mediums with you, and guide you into the world of art (in person and not onscreen). Plein Air destination painting and private closed art sessions will fill the days. Relaxation and social activities will fill the evenings. Even the meals will be a work of art!
Lifebook 2020:
LIFEBOOK 2020 I have been busy like a Sherpa getting ready for Lifebook 2020. You might wonder why I keep doing Lifebook? use the code LOVEBOMB2020 for 20% off before December 31 I like doing Life-book because it allows for so much growth and well-being with any students. As a teacher, I'm excited about anything that will help you reach your personal art goals. This is one of the only programs that I will participate in and recommend. I do that because I truly believe it's wonderful on every level. First, I enjoy how positive the program is and how focused on individual grow it is. Secondly, the teachers are the best collected together I have seen if your goals are healing, self-awareness, and artistic growth. Last, but not least, the cost of the course outside of materials is very good compared to other programs like this that I don't feel are as richly thought out, driven by a sheer love of sharing creativity, and well-being. They have a lot of Teachers As you may be aware with 30 teachers and 80 lessons there's a lot here to the course. You will be exposed to so much in different styles and thoughts in art. Each teacher brings something very special to the year. Yes, there are many faces. But that's just the surface of what I've seen. I've seen dream catchers, sculpture, rock art, and much much more. In fact as a teacher, I am a bit of an odd duck in the group BUT, when am I not? This will be the third series that I have done with Tamra Laporte. I love the work that she does both spiritually, musically and artistically. I think she curates valuable programs for her students .
In patron group Watercolor !! Patrons of the Art Sherpa We have lots of Projects for you!!
ATTENTION PAYPAL USERS: It has come to our attention that some of our members may still be donating under the old patron system. We would like to ask you, if you could, to switch your donation to the new patron system. But if you cannot, because you need to be donating through PayPal, please write and let us know what your donation amount is so we can match you to the right patron level manually. Also, if you want to donate through PayPal because it is your only option, until we can get through the hoops that PayPal wants us to get through, please use the following link to set up your 'recurring' donation. Then please also write to support and let us know which level you are donating at so we can manually get you into the corresponding patron level on the website. We hope this helps those of you who want to donate but can't any other way than PayPal. We do ask if you can though to donate through the website. A note From The Sherpa: Hey guys thank you so much for all the support. The Patronage has really let me explore some my wilder idea's. Things I could never put on YouTube. I love our group so much. From our wild behind the scenes chats, strange long in group live streams and even to painting projects I have been itching to do. Like this Patron group only pastel. OHH she was fun
Read the Blog for Art sherpa Tips and Videos New Years Resolutions for Artists What you guys had to say !!
Don't forget about our Awesome Retreat Channel. Where we house our Stress Free Zen painting experience with relaxing music and Sherpa paintings. It is the place to be to tuck away your cares and relax and let go of all your stresses and anxiety. Bookmark, subscribe and visit our Retreat Channel and see our full playlist here: . The live site will be back up and running soon. The live site is an interactive continuous loop of of live music and video where you can chat with others. Keep an eye out for updates when we have it up . And we will always strive to add more as time time allows. We know that YouTube is making big changes. What those are and how they will affect us we don't know. To that end, we are doing one to two Live streams weekly on Facebook. We then move the popular streams to YouTube as a premier a few weeks later. We have a Watch page, and if you are signed up for Text Notifications you can catch these amazing gems as they happen!
Suggestions of things you would like to see are welcome! Send your comments/suggestions to We have lots of tickets submitted to the TAS Tech Team that are being developed for implementation. We are so excited to bring the functions you are asking for!
NEVER miss a LIVE stream again!! Get Your Gnomifications on Live Events for Facebook, YouTube, and any thing new we cook up! Just text: "TheArtSherpa" to 33222 Videos, Color, Paint, and More!
Until Next time: "Happy Painting everyone! Keep cool, enjoy your journey, and share art whenever possible! -The Art Sherpa The Art Sherpa Special Announcement Newsletter Publish date: September 2019 |
If you Love the Sanderson Sisters and wanted to get your " Amok Amok Amok " on one of these acrylic versions of the Tale Might be Just the trick. (note this is fan art) While the painting is mine The Hocus Pocus Characters that inspired this piece are not.So lets Call these three The Cosplayers of Hocus Pocus -
In the Beginning I created this design
It has been wildly popular. But them I wanted to make some New ideas too this the Meeting of the Halloween Board . The Moon is Cosplaying Jack the Pumpkin King and the 3 sisters are Cosplaying the Sanderson Sisters. All costumes were handmade because you know they are makers.
Need a little help -the video or This Handy Dandy Step by step
How easy is That to paint??
Need something even more simplified ?
It is recommended when doing fan art that you create and paint for learning and enjoyment.
The Art Sherpa's #1 recommendation to end
“brush brutality”
Clean Your Brushes!
Your paint brushes are an expensive investment that you will want to know how to protect and keep for years. This might surprise you to know that the future of each brush is sealed at the sink after each painting session. That leftover paint MUST ALL come out. The acrylic polymer emulsion and pigments get pushed into your bristles and the ferrules. When you have dried paint hiding in the ferrule, it can build up until it “blows out” the shape of your brush, causing splitting and stray hairs. This will give you a great cloud or scumble brush, but will ruin your favorite brushes shape and edge.
Cinnamon How Do I Clean My Brushes?
This is a great question .
The Art Sherpa™ spent years finding the most powerful, natural ingredients, to remove that brush destroying paint. She consulted:
- acrylic paint makers and chemists
- off the grid super mom bloggers
- specialty oil importers
- brush makers
- natural soap makers all over the globe.
She searched high and low for the ingredients that would make a nontoxic, human friendly brush soap. Your Art Sherpa was looking for very specific results. She knew those Taklon filaments and blends needed a special TLC. If your brush is a magic wand then this soap is the fountain of youth you need. Cinnamon Cooney called this quest for a soap “The Journey to a Better Bubble.” The Art Sherpa Brush Soap is here and is unlike anything you have ever tried.
- The magic suds.
- The bubble blaster.
- The Art Sherpa Brush Spa.
The Art Sherpa Brush Spa Soap has been created for the cleaning of acrylic paint out of synthetic brushes. BUT can I use this on oil or watercolor brushes? YES it works for them too. In fact this amazing soap may just become your favorite for you delicate hair and bristle brushes.
How you clean your brush is just as important as what you clean it with
Art Sherpa Spa Brush Cleaning Instructions
Materials- Art Sherpa Brush Spa Soap - paper towels - Container of swishing water- Cup of hot water (not hot enough to burn your fingers)-
- Place cleaning supplies by the sink and lay your drying towels out next to the sink’
- Remove excess thick paint that is on your brush (if you have any) on a disposable towel.
- Vigorously Swish the brush in a container of water.
- Wet Brush in warm running water and rub across the soap. Build up the suds as you use the directional stroke method. Do this Firmly, but gently. Don’t scrub or bend the filaments of the brush .
- Take fingers and work the soap gently through the brush
- Rinse and Repeat step 4
- Now take your clean brush and stroke firmly but gently dragging across a dry white paper towel. If you see any color, go to step 8, if not go to step 9.
- Run warmer water over the brush, rewetting it, go over the surface of your soap using the soft circle method. If you are using the power scrub tub with loofah, be extra careful.
- Take your cup of very hot, but safe for fingers, water and dip brush in for 10-20 seconds. Finger shape your brush
- Lay brush flat on paper towel. Come back in and hour to check the brush ( if you see any color repeat the cleaning steps)
- Allow brushes to dry before placing in your brush cup.
Things you need to know but may not about Brush care
- NEVER use solvents on synthetic filaments, it can melt the brush.
- DON’T use Acetone on your brush even for dry paint
- Don’t leave a brush sitting in water.
- Don’t dry a brush in any vertical position, always lay flat.
- Rubbing alcohol removes dry paint and is brush safe.
- Certain pigments stain. Here are just a couple common ones: phthalo blue and dioxazine purple. Staining is normal and does not hurt your brush. It is the dry acrylic polymer emulsion that damages the brush
- All hog bristle brushes must be washed before you paint with them to remove loose bristles. Small shedding of a Couple bristles is normal. A full hair storm is not.
- Never throw out ruined fluffy brushes. They make the best cloud, bush and special textures. They are a treasure. Keep lost brushes in their own jar. Give them fun new names like “ Sir Cloudinator” or “ Mr Magic Scumble”
I have some wonderful news! :) My friend Tamara Laporte from Willowing Arts has just opened
registration for The (free) Life Book Creativity & Wellbeing Summit !
It was super popular last year, over 11,000 people joined it then!
She has interviewed a wide range of Life Book 2020 Teachers for it and guess what?! I'm one of
the speakers AND I'm also a teacher on Life Book 2020 next year!
Not only is this Summit filled with inspiring interviews with amazing artists, but we each also
provide a FREE creativity & wellness activity for you that you can access for 2 weeks!
The Summit is filled with inspiring interviews, art sessions, meditations and wellbeing activities to help you get present and connected to the healing power of your creativity!
When you attend the Life Book Creativity & Wellbeing Summit you are able to
- Listen to sessions in your own time!
- Join our Facebook Group with like-minded people from all over the world!
- Wear whatever comfy clothes you want and enjoy the Summit from the comfort of your
own home! We like bed hair no worries! :)
- Play, make mistakes, be fabulous or sad, it's all welcome and ok on the summit! You are
accepted just as you are!
- Enjoy free art & wellbeing activities!
For my free activity we'll do a flip the script of our personal narrative. Imagine taking a personality trait you don't love about yourself and finding a new more self loving way to view it. You will be able to personalize this easy beginner step by step to improve how you feel about yourself.
- Do you want to learn how to create more wellbeing in your life?
- Do you want to create, express, develop and grow?
- Do you want to play with paints, get messy with collage, enjoy mark making and drawing?
- Do you want more hints and tips on how to use your creativity to become a happier
- Do you want to learn how to use creativity to become more grounded, present and kind to
These are all topics we discuss on the Summit with some of the leading mixed media artists &
personal development experts out there!
It's completely FREE so join us now by reserving your seat HERE!
The Summit begins on September 16th and runs for 2 weeks!
Life Book 2020 (which I'll be teaching on yippee!) will open registration on October 1st and guess
what? If you join Life Book 2020 you'll get life long access to the Summit content as well as a year of amazing art activities + a virtual gift bag filled with extras and goodies also! More on this later, but keep an eye out for Life Book 2020 sign up details!
Join Us Now for
The Life Book Creativity & Wellbeing Summit
See you there!
The Art Sherpa
The Art Sherpa Youtube Channel Live Stream Activities are on Hold Temporarily:Myself and the Art Sherpa Team are taking some time to grieve the loss of one of our Moderators, Dear friends and oldest Community members Friski Kristi. She was taken from us without our warning Saturday morning and we are all in shock. If knew Kristi and would like to help her family there is a crowd funder set up by her husband Chad. You can give messages condolences for her loved ones or give aid for her funeral costs through the link.
Her family has given us permission to share this sad news with you. Many of you knew Kristi. She was a loving goofball made of rainbows who has been with us from nearly the beginning of my journey of the Art Sherpa. She was talented, loving and extremely funny. She helped create the wonderful spirit you see today. We will be bumping lives as myself and the team need a bit of time to be in our grief as I am sure many of you do. Please put a wish for her family and friends on her canvas. If you knew Kristi please share a favorite memory of her on this post. We are putting together a tribute to share with her family so they can see how many lives she touched. When our hearts are better there will be a tribute painting we do for her. So today I am thinking of her in her magical imagination, part of a glittery world all in blue.
I'm so excited to share this new book with you and if you haven't heard about it yet, you've got to check it out. If you like Fairytales, Fables and imagination You will love this!! If you are looking for something to help you achieve creative goals you're going to really like this book. This is Tams Second book. Her first was Create Your Life Book: Mixed-Media Art Projects for Expanding Creativity and Encouraging Personal Growth. You can see the book reviews !
AND yes I went and got my own copy that I do in fact love. So when she asked if I would want to see her second book I was thrilled.Let me tell you a bit more about Tam's new book in case you haven't heard about it yet!
Let the wisdom and enchantment of timeless fables and fiction help you achieve your creative goals! From celebrated mixed-media artist and author of Create
Your Life Book Tamara Laporte, Ever After is a rich collection of step-by-step mixed-media art lessons inspired by fairy tales, folk tales, and classic fiction.Based on one of Tamaras popular series of online classes, Ever After addresses the most frequently asked question she receives from her students: How do I develop my own creative style?
In addition to the beautiful art lessons created especially for this book by Tamara and eight other noted mixed-media artists, each chapter offers creative exercises that invite readers to explore stories, their symbolism, and a specific aspect of style development as they work toward and ultimately achieve their artistic goals. The Story of You. Explore the experiences, feelings, and ideas that stir your passion, and how to adapt and change motifs and other visual elements to make them your own.Inspiration: How to Find It, How to Use It. Examine how to stay open to inspiration, incorporate it into your art practice, and integrate it into your artwork. Comfort Zones & Productivity. Learn strategies for working through your fear and dedicating time to your artmaking. Dealing with Challenges & Deepening Your Voice. Find guidance for starting a mindfulness practice to help you deal with harsh feedback, and for allowing yourself the joy of continually evolving your story, your message, and your style.Ever After will teach you to tell your own unique stories through artmaking so that your wish”to become the artist you’ve always wanted to be sure to come true!
The Little Mermaid
The book is now out (yay!) and can be ordered in the following places:
US: Amazon | Barns & Noble | Indie BoundUK:
Now then, onto the give-away and blog hop! :) I can give away 1 copy of Tam's book to 1 lucky winner, yay! :) And if you follow the blog hop (see below for links and dates) you can up your chances of winning by entering all the other give-aways also! :)
How to enter the give-away Enter Here
OR here on the facebook page Facebook Entry
You can Also Tweet, Do the poll or Comment as prompted by the form. Don’t stress there are lots of ways to enter.
I will announce the winner on August 30th on my facebook page!!
Here is the list of the other people on Tam's Book Launch Blog Hop they too will be giving away a copy of Tam's book so go check them out and enter their give-aways! :)
Have a great time following the blog hop! :)
Here is ME grooving on the book!!
Ever After the book. You will see me all day promoting around the social verse but you may wonder ..WHY? Well I am going to be frank. Because I really like it. There are tons of step by step books out there but very few Style development books. Of the style development books even fewer have any actionable advice that could help an aspiring artist but this one does! FOR real in my opinion. You can find this in all the book buying places
US: Amazon | Barns & Noble | Indie Bou nd UK: Amazon |
CA: Amazon | Indigo
AU: Booktopia
You can get a signed copy here off Tam's site directly:
14th August 2019 -> Tamara Laporte
15th August 2019 -> Andrea Gomoll
16th August 2019 -> Carla Sonheim
17th August 2019 -> Danita Art
18th August 2019 -> Effy Wild
19th August 2019 -> Kara Bullock
20th August 2019 -> Lucy Chen
21st August 2019 -> Marielle Stolp
22nd August 2019 -> Mick Wilde
23rd August 2019 -> Toni Burt
24th August 2019 -> Jane Davenport
25th August 2019 -> Marieke Blokland
26th August 2019 -> Cinnamon Cooney
27th August 2019 -> Pamela Vosseller
28th August 2019 -> Galia Alena
29th August 2019 -> Annie Hamman
June Announcement Newsletter |
A note from the Team: Greetings to all our Fabulous Sherpettes!, Welcome to a special announcement newsletter!
In The News: Hello and Greetings. We are happy to report we are doing well and have some exciting new projects on the horizon. Lots of new videos, projects and Patron news. See below for details for some of them.
So wondering what else we have been doing? We had a couple of great adventures in April and May. In April we were at Arts & The Park in Hots Springs, Arkansas. What a great time we had. So good we are doing it again next year too. Then then in April we were at Pinners GA and in May, we were at Pinners MN. And we had a great time at both of those events also. We met lots of wonderful Sherpettes at each event. We may be doing some more Pinners this year, so keep your eye on our schedule.
And, we have been invited to do an event in Canada with King's Framing and Art Gallery. So keep an eye out for upcoming info on those.
Wondering about Sherpacon?
We have moved the date of Sherpacon to a future, unknown date. But it will probably be in conjunction with Arts & The Park in Hot Springs next year. Rest assured that it will still be happening, and we are firming up dates and location. Hots springs has amazing facilities for an event like Sherpacon, And it'll be all kinds of fun. The button machine and photo booth will make a comeback. The art spinner will return too. Plus, all manner of Sherpa fun, like ATC table, maybe rock painting, and we are hoping to add some make and take crafts for sale, that well, you get to take with you, LOL and of course we hope to bring back Glamma Jamma! In an effort to ease your pocket book we are working on a way to allow tickets to have flex pay. Also we are talking to several locations to get special rates for Sherpacon Attendees
We appreciate your patience as we continue to revamp the website. Check out the news below to see a taste of what we've been up to lately. We are continually striving to bring you a better Patron experience and make the website easier to navigate and more user friendly and finish out our last Patron campaign.
Questions and concerns can be sent to Be watching though because in the next few days we will be adding a mailbox . The Art Sherpa ATC Team
And here is the scoop.
Over the years we have read so many messages that share how much stress many of us are under. Modern life can be overwhelming and complicated. Sometimes it can seem impossible to relax and find inspiration that is soothing to our hearts. To help the best community in the world we have (21) new exciting videos to help you cope with the pressure of life.
We are so proud to Introduce the new Music and Art Experience :
20 videos of Curated beautiful art and music to decompress by at the end of a hard day. Each video has Simple yet beautiful Designs to spark your imagination. Piano music to relax your mind, body, and soul . You’ve never Seen this before. You have never Felt this before. There is even a magic WAIT FOR IT moment in the middle of each video. You can put on these Zen Meditative Acrylic Techniques videos anytime you need to unwind and refresh that creative wellspring. Each video will demo different acrylic painting techniques showcasing: Palette Knife, Q tips, and Fan brush. This is a Mind, Body and Spirit reboot created by The Art Sherpa so you can lean back and recenter your inner artist. We believe it's perfect to help beginning Artists spark creativity while creating a soothing environment to help you put down those worries, if just for bit. Each individual video is a short 5:55 minutes long. Watch one, or watch all. 2 hours in total for this first collection.
We have a play list of (2 of hours) of safe, zen art and music, no surprises. Music is varied and selected for its beauty and de-stressing properties.
BUT what if you really want a tutorial for one of these yummy designs??? Don't worry, we will conduct polls in The Art Sherpa Official and on the video i-cards to see which ones you would like as step by step tutorials.
Date : TODAY
Where : Youtube The Art Sherpa Channel.
Playlist link so you can just lean back and watch all 20.
Also if you enjoy these you may like to Check out some of Design Team member Stephanie Bergerons Abstract Demo videos
And Ready, Set, Go ! Here are the basics to the new, improved and awesomely exciting new Patron rollout. As you will notice, this has been set up like the Patreon system you are familiar with. The Sherpa is dependent on the help of all our patrons to continue to do what she does best. Which is bring us fabulous, free content . It helps with supplies, like paint and canvas, studio costs, camera equipment, etc. And it brings with it lots of rewards.
The Art Sherpa Patrons will have access to so many unique exclusive benefits.
For the adults, depending on which level you donate,you will enjoy monthly Adult coloring pages, monthly watercolor lessons, monthly acrylic lessons, access to special events like figure painting, and a Patron only facebook group.
Here is a peak at the first Patron only watercolor.
The Art Sherpa Patron Group
This T.A.S.P.G. group will be 18+ and allow a place to share our results from these special patron only live streams and videos. There will be a 30 minute monthly Q and A in the T.A.S.P.G.
Little Brushes Rule
PLUS we are introducing a Little Brush series that many of you will adore. They will have their own projects and facebook group that is for kids only. Which includes a Little Brush ATC swap with other Little Brushes. One of the things we are excited about with The little Brush projects they don't require a Big Brush to supervise or clean up. The videos will feature normal kid art supplies, teaching valuable art techniques. PLUS each video will encourage, inspire, and give clean up prompts!!! Crayons will be king and you will be amazed at what a little paper and color can do in a kids hands.
Here are some highlights that I think you will love. Depending on your level of donation, a brand new patron only group, a little brush level that includes an ATC swap just for your little brushes, a monthly coloring page, a new ATC swap system, a monthly Q&A in patron group, exclusive, patron only watercolor and acrylic painting video, and so on.
Suggestions of things you would like to see are welcome! Send your comments/suggestions to We have lots of tickets submitted to the TAS Tech Team that are being developed for implementation.
We are so excited to bring the functions you are asking for!
Get Your Gnomifications on Live Events for Facebook, YouTube and (NEWLY) Instagram Live/IGTV
Just text: "TheArtSherpa" to 33222
Videos, Color, Paint, and More!
Until Next time:
"Happy Painting everyone! Keep cool, enjoy your journey, and share art whenever possible!
Be Good To yourselves. Be Good to each other, and I hope to see you at the easel real soon!"
-The Art Sherpa
The Art Sherpa Special Announcement Newsletter Publish date: May 2019
Cinnamon & John Cooney, Owners
Colleen Siegel, Contributor /Editor
1-833-PAINT-88 https ://