Painting a Fall tree
#1 Find a Shape that is irregular and interesting to your eye. Remember this shape is three dimensional.
#2 Tree Meditation for Artists
Get comfortable, Close your eyes, and breathe in and out slowly to the count of 4.
To help you “ see” the tree better imagine the tree you are painting on a pedestal that is turning .
Now Add light to the tree from the sun. Feel how warm the sun is. Add a soft breeze.
In your minds picture of your tree as it is turning see the light falling on it and the breeze blowing through it. Can you see its irregular surface. How each leaf is looking for light and rain?
Stop the tree at the view you want to paint it. Keep the light shining on it and the breeze blowing through it. The tree you are painting today is a living breathing thing. Do this for 5 or so minutes until you feel you can see your tree clearly. Once this is done your Artists mind is open and ready to paint.
Open your eyes.
#3 Paint in your deepest fall value for your tree keeping your base tree form. Use the edge of your brush scumbling in the leaves softly. Add your truck and some Bark highlights. Add the deepest value of landscape around the tree.
#4 Add your darker midtones finding those highlights and leaves. The ones you visualized in the shade of other leaves nearer the light. These are the leaves where a small bird may be resting in the heat of the day. Can you see the form? Can you see the shapes?
#5 It’s time to find the next layer now a brighter lighter mid tone! WOW this tree is coming together. With the corner of your brush add little leaf outliers. Remember your tree those leaves twisting in and out of the light? By now you should see dimensions of form coming out of your canvas.
#6 Finally the highlights are lifting up! Bits of highlighted sparkle. Tree glitter. These are the leaves shining in the sun. Yes that is what Shining in the sun means. The diamond effect all around your trees. The glow. Add delicate touches.
#7 Now breath. You have painted a tree. A great Tree! A fun Tree. Keep practicing your artist eye when you are bored or falling asleep. In no time your dreams will be full of comforting branches.
Grateful Art 2020 Nov 1 to Nov 7th Daily live streams 1 pm EST
Live streaming Youtube and Facebook Watch what platform works best for you
Full Playlist ( Save this for future use) Materials for the Week You may use other materials then what is shown here. *** Acrylic Paint Colors *** ***Yellow Ocher:PY 43 - ***Burnt Sienna: PBr 7 ***Burnt Umber: PBr 7 ***Cadmium Yellow Medium : PY 35 ***Cadmium Red medium : PR 108 ( ***Cadmium Orange: PO 20 OR ***Cadmium Red Light: PR 108 ) ***Phthalo Green Blue shade : PG 7 - ***Phthalo Blue Green shade :PB 15:3 ***Dioxazine Purple: PV 23 - ***Ultramarine blue: PB 29 - ***Quinacridone Magenta (fuscia) : PR 122 ***Titanium white: PW 6 ***Mars black: PBk 11 ( ***Zinc White?: PW 4 Or Tint white : ) 4 8x8 canvas
Watercolor Materials 140 lb cold press watercolor paper Fabriano 1 Gelli Pen Pencil I am using these watercolors Sennelier L'Aquarelle French Watercolor Paint -Lemon Yellow (501) -French Vermilion (675) -Alizarin Crimson (689) -Carmine (635) -Dioxazine Purple (917) -Ultramarine Deep (315) -Phthalocyanine Blue (326) -Forest Green (899) -Phthalo Green Light (805) -Burnt Sienna (211) -Payne's Grey (703) -Warm Sepia (440)
Also we have brushes in stock at The Art Sherpa Store
Sign up for our text notifications to get a reminder from us for any live streams we do
All videos are available for replay after the live stream to watch anytime Day 1-Acrylic Day 2 - watercolor Day 3 - Watercolor Day 4 - watercolor Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Did you see the palette knife classes we have been doing on Youtube ? The green floral is this Friday
Stuck inside ?? Join us for a Great fun Halloween painting D&D 12 " round canvas
Here is a free gift for you and your family! Using a Non Toxic in stamp, food color, OR Watercolor you can make these cute creatures and finish them with a Regular sharpie tips Have wet wipes on hand to clean up! Save Download and Print out. you can paint fingerprints with watercolor
How would you like a year of healing transforming art ? Main Course The Eternal Garden.
Together we will create an ideal fantasy garden landscape. I will show you how to make a Fantastical Fairytale world that can reflect the hopes and dreams of your personal paradise. We will hide messages and symbolism in our paintings as constant reminders of our hopes and dreams. Our images on the surface will be ideal garden retreats but with a closer look reveal the world beneath the world. Hidden objects, messages and treasure. It will be much more than just a beautiful fantasy painting. It will be a bright colorful energy soul painting. This is a Concept study. I have done 10 concept sketches just for Lifebook 2021 There is also a Free Gift that I made just for Lifebook 2021--- If you love Waterbears you want that gift
Classes weekly 30 teachers including me Guess What ?? We are on Roku now !!
This iframe is not allowed
IF you dont know the secret phrase we will reveal it during the Livestream
Rules of the Give Away
Want a chance to win a #8 cat's Tongue Art sherpa Brush ?? One lucky viewer will WIN this great brush !
How To participate for your chance to win The TAS #8 Cats Tongue :
Giveaway opens soon and starts a little before the live stream and We will announce the winner live during the show. You must be present to win.
Come join us for
During the show we will share the Mystery Phrase so be sure to watch so you know correct answer !!
To be eligible for your chance to win You must have answered and entered the correct Mystery phrase here in the Entry Box : in the current contest Blog
You will have 4 answers to choose from
You may know the answer ahead of time from being a fan ( that's OK)
You may answer as soon as the contest is open or wait to confirm the correct answer
Entries are final
If you have never entered a Rafflecopter contest they may have you make an account. This is a one time thing and will work for all future RaffleCopter Contests
You must have a good email we can contact you with. We have to be able to reach you to Notify you
PLEASE Don't give your address of to us during live chat for your safety. Email is best
To WIN You must be present during the Live stream when we announce your name.
If you are not present another winner will be selected.
You must be a resident of planet earth with an address that can receive mail - sorry Elon Musk no Mars delivery .
We will cover up to 100$ shipping: anything above 100$ the winner will have the option to cover to receive their prize - if they elect not to do this another winner will be chosen
To Recap
The correct Mystery Phrase with be revealed live during the show
There is no purchase necessary to win
You do not need to but stars or follow the page to participate
This is not a giveaway affiliated with facebook in anyway.
The winner with be chosen at random by Rafflecopter Software
Artwork and video is the sole property of The Art Sherpa™ and intended for the students personal education and Enjoyment. For questions regarding using any Art Sherpa painting in a commercial setting for all other questions Read our full disclosure here that covers partnerships and affiliate links ****
Because the world is so crazy we will include a tracking number when we ship but are not responsible for items lost or damaged in the post.
Each time we do a giveaway there's a lot of panic because some people may have trouble entering . First let me say this is not the last giveaway we're ever going to do.
We would love everybody to win but sadly there is just one painting and one winner. Good news I will show you how to paint your own.
We understand that for many of our viewers our time zone is not compatible to theirs and we are sorry for the inconvenience.
The giveaway is open Now to 6:45 pm cst of the show. Winner will be announced during the live and must be present to claim their prize .
We do need the winner to be present though for the show. Future Giveaways may be held at different times.
Be sure to follow the page to get the fastest updates on facebook giveaways and free art live streams. Follwoing does not increase your chances to win. It does help you know when we are live There are two links provided for entry. This is because depending on how you're entering and on what device are entering a small number of users may potentially have difficulty.
If you find the link does not work for you please contact the company that hosts the software here :
if you have any concerns or please reach to
Round canvases are strange but a lot of fun and believe it or not have a long history in art with a peak of popularity around the Victorian era.
Believe It or Not round canvases are available in a variety of surfaces and sizes. Not to mention there are two really economical ways to use a round canvas their economy packs and you can prime wood rounds.
If you only have a regular canvas a round design is easier to place on it even if dimensions are very different. Simply draw a circle centered in your canvas painting images shown and hang on the wall. It's actually very cool look!
There are tons of frames for round canvases and they're totally making a comeback. There are even Bubble Glass Companies now to give it that cool Victorian look.
Right now I need to be sitting while I'm painting So my objects need to be on a flat surface and round canvases give me an opportunity to paint larger even though I'm confined in this way
Frames and Glass -
For Acrylic April
I use the same brushes, canvas size and colors every year.
The color that is hard for most people to find is Naples Yellow light sometimes Called Titanate Yellow or Even Nickel Titanate Yellow
That can be frustrating for the new artist. What you may not know is outside of the voluntary ATSM there are no standards in art materials.
So on a tube of paint there are bit of info. Color info , safety info and lightfast info. Reading the tube is important but when you are new its hard.
Nickel Titanium Yellow ( PY 53 ) is opaque and has a low tinting strength. Because it's not overpowering, it can be controlled easily.
Titanate serves as a substitute for lemon yellow which is the traditional cool yellow
Some companies make a hue that is Very close they call Naples yellow light- That is what I am using in my Sennelier paint- Naples Yellow light.
This is the green Bias Yellow
You can Substitute ANY of these Cool (green) Bias Yellows , Pick one -
- Hansa Yellow light
- Cadmium Yellow Light
- Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue
- Lemon Yellow
- Bismuth Vanadate
- Yellow Azo Light
- Benzimidazolone Yellow Light
- Arcylique by Sennelier Called Naples Yellow Light
- Holbein Acrylic Called Naples Yellow
- Abstract acrylic paint by Sennelier Naples yellow light
- Amsterdam Acrylic paint made by Royal Talens
- Old Holland New Masters Classic Acrylic
- Matisse Structure Acrylic - titanate yellow
- (also called Naples Yellow light in this line of paint)
- DALER ROWNEY : CRYLA ACRYLIC PAINT- nickle titanate yellow
- Golden Heavy Body Artist Acrylics- Titanate Yellow
- Pébéo Studio Fine Acrylic Naples Yellow Hue 100 ml
- Cranfield Acrylics- Primrose Yellow is like Py53
- AV Vallejo Acrylic -Titanium Yellow IS like py53
NEED more info about the YELLOW ??
HERE are some more yellow names that may be the color SEE why it gets to be so complicated for teachers to relay what color you are looking for.
PY53 is a strange special color |
PY53 |
Nickel Antimony Titanium Yellow Rutile |
Antimony Nickel Titanium Oxide Yellow; C.I. Pigment Yellow 53; Juane Citron; Lemon Yellow [EP.p | w . wp .]; Lemon Yellow (Nickel Titanate} [ WN . w . w ]; Meteor® Bright Yellow 8320; Naples Yellow (hue) [ LA .a | MA.p ]; Naples yellow Light (hue) [ KA . o ]; Naples Yellow Light (imitation) [ KA . o . p ]; Nickel Antimony Titanate; Nickel Antimony Titanium Yellow Rutile; Nickel Rutile Yellow; Nickel Titanate; Nickel Titanate Yellow [GEN | DR . w | DS .a d . o . w | DV . w | GR . wo | GU.pd | MA . o . o(artis) . p . w | RT . a ]; Nickel Titanium [ OH . a . o . w ]; Nickel Titanium Oxide; Nickel Titanium Yellow [KP.p | OH . a . o . w | SI.p | WN d ]; Nickel Yellow [GEN | BX.o | CAS.k | KA . o . p | SE . o . p | WL . o . p ]; Nickle Yellow Titanium [ SCH . p ]; Nickel Yellow Titanium Rutile; Pigment Yellow 53; Praseodym Titanium Yellow; Shepherd Yellow; Sunflower Yellow; Titanate Yellow [ GO . a . af . ag ]; Titanium Nickel Yellow [ MA .o(artis). p ]; Titanium Yellow [ GO .a | RGH.o.p | SCH . w ]; Vasari Yellow [ MA.o(Ren) ]; Vesuvius Yellow [ MA.o(Med) ]; |
Acrylic April Painting Challenge begins April 1st 2020- no joke
30 Days, 30 Powerful Little Paintings
We hope that Every April, artists from all over the world take on the Acrylic all April painting challenge by doing one small acrylic painting every day for the entire month.
I am creating the #AcrylicApril challenge as a way to introduce painters to the gifts of daily painting with Acrylic.This monthly challenge will help every acrylic artist unlock the true potential of the acrylic medium and their art own voice.
Anyone can do Acrylic April,
Just grab your paint, your brush and hit the studio( even if it’s your kitchen Table).
#AcrylicApril rules:
1) Make a painting on a surface 12x12 or smaller. ( sorry for the confusion)
2) Share it online
3) Hashtag it with #AcrylicApril and #AcrylicApril2020 #ItsNoJokeAcrylicApril and be sure to add the day of the challenge, or word prompt, etc
4) Repeat Daily from April 1 ( no fooling) to April 30th
How to do the Challenge
Do your best to paint daily. Some Days may be artwork you are excited about some days you may scribble out an abstract but under no circumstances should your be hard on yourself. If you make 30 little paintings you are a winner. If you make less than 30 you are a winner. Do your best
Wait there are daily tutorials not just prompts ?? THAT'S right!!! This is an Art Sherpa painting challenge so it’s extra awesome.. This challenge comes with a daily live video lesson you can follow along with. So you can use the prompts, follow the lesson, or do your own thing. Either way you are going to succeed. This is going to change your art world. I will be teaching my lessons on an 8x8 art panel. That's it! Now go make something beautiful. Yes Youtubers can join in. Yes Bloggers can join in Yes Homeschool moms can join in Anyone from Anywhere in the world no matter who you are or how much painting experience you have can Join in. You are invited to paint along!! How much does it cost -IT'S FREE ( so you can buy more art supplies )
What Should YOU do first ?
Videos will air 12 pm CST on Youtube and 6 pm CST
The first Video is here
<img src="" alt="worksheet acrylic april #1.jpg" title="worksheet acrylic april #1.jpg" border="0" style="normalmargin: 0px;">
<img src="" alt="Acrylic April grid #1.jpg" title="Acrylic April grid #1.jpg" border="0" style="normalmargin: 0px;">
A note from the Art Sherpa : IF you only read one Newsletter all year THIS is the one you should read all the way through! Enjoy my Rewind and Jump ahead Newsletter! This is a GREAT way to make sure you missed nothing and are prepped for the 2020 Arting yet to come. New paintings, books and our First Art Retreat where you can paint with me! Brushes UP! Like a painting?? Click It to go to the Playlist or Video link for it!! You are a Click away!
Here is a look at some of our past events and projects . The year of Cute Kids in art !!
Most Popular Picture Community Vote Best of the Year
Other top picks
Acrylic April This was the first year for Acrylic April. Painting daily is the #1 thing an artist can do to improve their painting! skills! The idea we would meet live every day and paint together for a little under an hour for the month of April certainly caught fire. This is a wild event in that we had both word prompts AND full lessons. As far as I know it this was the first daily painting program targeted at beginners. You can find all the videos in order And here is the website with rules
The facebook page : The website: The group :
Acrylic April Testimonials
Every year we meet up to do 13 Halloween paintings. This is so much fun and at this point we have more than 30 total Days of Halloween tutorials. In fact we created a Challenge for anyone that painted all 31 days they would get a free month of Patronage on the website.
We started doing Big Paintings!! 24x36 by using two black Canvases
Spring and Summer ones are On the way !!WE had some Awesome Winter paintings you guys LOVED Step by Steps appeared !!We introduced Step by steps as an extra way to help you find your way through an art project easily! These are one of my favorite parts of the new year.
Things people have said about the step by steps
Here is a look at what we have coming up for you in the New Year. Classes starting in 2020:
Books : Coming soon Labs Manual - The Art Sherpa's guide to starting your own painting party business
The Art Sherpa ~The Not too Adult, Grown-Up Coloring Book - co created in collaboration with Stephanie Bergeron
Coming later in 2020 The Big Art Quest The Pears are coming back!! Bigger and better than EVER!
The Sherpanista Cookbook - Written in Collaboration with you. We still have room for your to submit your Favorite Artful Recipes to be a contributor in the Community Cookbook. Go to the link here to be a part of our community created cookbook.
The First Art Sherpa Retreat: Come Join me for 5 days and 4 nights of Art Adventure We will be enjoying the best of on-location painting, as well as art workshops. Each day will be full of Art Sherpa guided adventures. Each part will be fully supported so you won’t need to already know how to do any of the activities. I will share my three favorite mediums with you, and guide you into the world of art (in person and not onscreen). Plein Air destination painting and private closed art sessions will fill the days. Relaxation and social activities will fill the evenings. Even the meals will be a work of art!
Lifebook 2020:
LIFEBOOK 2020 I have been busy like a Sherpa getting ready for Lifebook 2020. You might wonder why I keep doing Lifebook? use the code LOVEBOMB2020 for 20% off before December 31 I like doing Life-book because it allows for so much growth and well-being with any students. As a teacher, I'm excited about anything that will help you reach your personal art goals. This is one of the only programs that I will participate in and recommend. I do that because I truly believe it's wonderful on every level. First, I enjoy how positive the program is and how focused on individual grow it is. Secondly, the teachers are the best collected together I have seen if your goals are healing, self-awareness, and artistic growth. Last, but not least, the cost of the course outside of materials is very good compared to other programs like this that I don't feel are as richly thought out, driven by a sheer love of sharing creativity, and well-being. They have a lot of Teachers As you may be aware with 30 teachers and 80 lessons there's a lot here to the course. You will be exposed to so much in different styles and thoughts in art. Each teacher brings something very special to the year. Yes, there are many faces. But that's just the surface of what I've seen. I've seen dream catchers, sculpture, rock art, and much much more. In fact as a teacher, I am a bit of an odd duck in the group BUT, when am I not? This will be the third series that I have done with Tamra Laporte. I love the work that she does both spiritually, musically and artistically. I think she curates valuable programs for her students .
In patron group Watercolor !! Patrons of the Art Sherpa We have lots of Projects for you!!
ATTENTION PAYPAL USERS: It has come to our attention that some of our members may still be donating under the old patron system. We would like to ask you, if you could, to switch your donation to the new patron system. But if you cannot, because you need to be donating through PayPal, please write and let us know what your donation amount is so we can match you to the right patron level manually. Also, if you want to donate through PayPal because it is your only option, until we can get through the hoops that PayPal wants us to get through, please use the following link to set up your 'recurring' donation. Then please also write to support and let us know which level you are donating at so we can manually get you into the corresponding patron level on the website. We hope this helps those of you who want to donate but can't any other way than PayPal. We do ask if you can though to donate through the website. A note From The Sherpa: Hey guys thank you so much for all the support. The Patronage has really let me explore some my wilder idea's. Things I could never put on YouTube. I love our group so much. From our wild behind the scenes chats, strange long in group live streams and even to painting projects I have been itching to do. Like this Patron group only pastel. OHH she was fun
Read the Blog for Art sherpa Tips and Videos New Years Resolutions for Artists What you guys had to say !!
Don't forget about our Awesome Retreat Channel. Where we house our Stress Free Zen painting experience with relaxing music and Sherpa paintings. It is the place to be to tuck away your cares and relax and let go of all your stresses and anxiety. Bookmark, subscribe and visit our Retreat Channel and see our full playlist here: . The live site will be back up and running soon. The live site is an interactive continuous loop of of live music and video where you can chat with others. Keep an eye out for updates when we have it up . And we will always strive to add more as time time allows. We know that YouTube is making big changes. What those are and how they will affect us we don't know. To that end, we are doing one to two Live streams weekly on Facebook. We then move the popular streams to YouTube as a premier a few weeks later. We have a Watch page, and if you are signed up for Text Notifications you can catch these amazing gems as they happen!
Suggestions of things you would like to see are welcome! Send your comments/suggestions to We have lots of tickets submitted to the TAS Tech Team that are being developed for implementation. We are so excited to bring the functions you are asking for!
NEVER miss a LIVE stream again!! Get Your Gnomifications on Live Events for Facebook, YouTube, and any thing new we cook up! Just text: "TheArtSherpa" to 33222 Videos, Color, Paint, and More!
Until Next time: "Happy Painting everyone! Keep cool, enjoy your journey, and share art whenever possible! -The Art Sherpa The Art Sherpa Special Announcement Newsletter Publish date: September 2019 |