Tagged: acrylic painting

Spent yesterday and today watching Cinnamon's tuts on Studio Set Up and Acrylics. Who knew there was so much stuff to consider. Have purchased a bunch of materials from paint, to canvases (and today paper books), an easel, and brushes (to which I'm sure I've missed some).
Never really used a blog before, so I guess I'm just going about this like a painting diary. We'll see how it goes. Thank you Cinnamon, for giving me the opportunity. Either it's going to work or it isn't - but that's on me, not you.
My first blog enter.... SQUEEEEE
patron Elephant watercolor step by step

patron Elephant watercolor step by step

Category: Howto & Style
Patron Zoom alien

Patron Zoom alien

Category: Howto & Style
Patron Zoom Art Game

Patron Zoom Art Game

Category: Howto & Style
Patron Give away and Q and A

Patron Give away and Q and A

Category: Howto & Style
Patron Jan live stream | TheArtSherpa

Patron Jan live stream | TheArtSherpa

Category: Howto & Style
Lunchtime Paint Fun

Lunchtime Paint Fun

Tuesday Apr 9 2019, 1:00 PM
@ 112 Main Street Putnam Connecticut 06260
Daily opportunities to eat in the studio with the artist and create a fun painting. Leave your painting here and come back when you want until it is completed. A fun way to...
Split Primary Color Wheel 101

Split Primary Color Wheel 101

Category: Howto & Style
Green Door and Wisteria Water Garden

Green Door and Wisteria Water Garden

Category: Howto & Style
How to paint realistic  Cats Eyes

How to paint realistic Cats Eyes

Category: Howto & Style

The Home Paint Nite

By , 2016-10-18
The Home Paint Nite

A great Fall / autumn landscape Step by Step Acrylic Painting on Canvas for Beginners. Easy Canvas painting Ideas that are FUN and Beautiful for the whole family. All the fun of a Painting Party from the comfort of your own home. That is the dream. This amazing painting movement Sweeping the country  is taking people by storm. Really I think it is inspiring their imaginations. 

There is a Social aspect to the sip and paint I think matters very deeply to all who go. Social arting if you will. BUT of course that is not sustainable on a daily basis. You need to paint and create might be daily thought. Art for healing and relaxation is a powerful tool. By being able to paint at home you can overcome so many barriers. Physical, financial and even emotional.

Silly Paint along with Kraken and Gnome

Fun easy paintings , Great food, your favorite Chair can make a Home party YOUR perfect party. The freedom to stay in your Pajama's and paint it your way. I love seeing your home studios and your creative spaces. Its important to make your Creative space your space. Play the music you like, Eat the foods that comfort, and relax while you rediscover your creative drive again. However What about the Social aspect of your journey? Some ideas over the last couple years the have been shared with me are.

#1Families painting together using Art Sherpa Free youtube painting and Skype. They all watch the same youtube tutorial and paint together VIRTUALLY with me who is their virtual instructor.  It is a great way for loved ones separated by distance to stay in touch and feel deeply connected. I know military families love this option. 

#2 The friends and Family home party. Get the Google Chrome Caste. Fun plastic table clothe and cater the food. This is wonderful as it allows Everyone to come together and create memories that hang on the way. A window to a wonderful night. Themes and even team shirts have been done. 

#3 The hospital Digital paint. Hospitals can be a home painting party too. Digital painting tools are amazing and YES you can paint along to An Art sherpa Painting tutorial with a Digital Brush. I love when I see people doing this as I know from an extended medical event with my mom how hard the healing journey can be. Its great to read how people are making the best of the bad. they even come to live events and visit with their friends online during a live painting class. 

How are you painting with me? Do you have and unexpected what you paint with the Art Sherpa? I would love to hear about that.